The year 2010 was the 1st International year of Biodiversity! Biodiversity is denying God, saying that man’s rapid environmental changes has caused the extinctions, of which they say, “99.9 percent of species that have existed on the Earth are now Extinct. This is denying God. God IS the one breaking it all down! Not man, not carbon gas, not fossil fuels. God is has his own stamp on the time tables of Earth.
People believe that the religious lie so blatantly because of the religious minded hypocrisy, but they always assume Science, so called, and other agencies cannot lie. They believe they CANNOT lie! They assume that scientist are not hypocrites!
We know the Earth has a Magnetic Shield because of the Dynamo Theory. It came from Einstein, which gave us other God denying theories.
Einstein was NOT and Atheist, and he was not a Believer either.