You must understand the mindset among many street evangelist or street preachers. It’s not that they can’t work a job, it’s that their demeanor and conversation of life as prophets and gallant soldiers for God will not allow them to work a job.
A secular job for these men? It would never happen unless they learned to submit to others, and in this day, it may be a woman. “I can’t have that bless God.” They can only be “keepers at home” and so forth. Submitting to a woman goes against their belief system.
It would be like trying to enclose a rhino in a cardboard box. Everyone around them would be compromisers, harlots, drunkards, fornicators, adulterers, pagans, sodomites, hypocrites, heathen, philistines, bastards, faggots, queers, homo’s, etc. Forty hours a week around people who hate God, who are perverted, who are blasphemous, who are wicked, who are pagan or so the street preacher views them.
The legally binding policies of their employers and superiors (or Masters, in the Bible) who are over them will not permit them to preach or pass out tracts. They, according to their own professions and testimony have already shown that they will go to jail before anyone, including police, tells them to stop preaching.
They cannot adapt and learn to speak peaceably. They cannot engage society and wickedness civilly. It’s as if they have never learned self control as children or something. They are quite like children in their actions, lashing out, deflecting, casting off, ignoring, dominating conversations, screaming, etc...
Their bosses and supervisors would permit no actions these men boast of doing so unashamedly. They would be put in their place or they would be fired. They would be given warning upon warning until they were terminated for insubordination leaving a horrible testimony of Jesus Christ behind in their wake.
So, because these men refuse to work, refuse established social structures, they say, I am called by God, or God told me, or we ought to obey God rather then man, or God told us to stand in the gap, ask for the old paths, cry at the gate, cry aloud and spare not , lift up thy voice like a trumpet and show the people their sins.
They have no choice but to invent a ministry by finding occasions or instances in the Bible where they assume that they have their justification for every jot and tittle they say and do. Then they solicit the church and defraud their brethren for funds to support it.
Once they have their new job, career and salary that pays for their traveling through this great and beautiful nation, they are free and at liberty to go about preaching anything, everywhere and anywhere on the dime and back of the body of Christ.
All the while “thanking God” that they are in the ministry, and they are addicted to the ministry, damning and damaging every time they open their mouth with their beloved forceful preaching and hardcore militant spirit.
This spirit is not of God, of righteousness, or of the spirit. They are saved according to their professions, but they are led by a spirit of error and not a spirit of truth. And yes, this does anger me incase you are wondering. Because I know these men are unreasonable and WILL NOT change no matter who they offend and reprove. They are on a collision course as many have stated. They will not turn to the right or left.
Ephesians 4:21 If so be that ye have heard him, and have been taught by him, as the truth is in Jesus:
22 That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts;
23 And be renewed in the spirit of your mind;
24 And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.
25 Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another.
26 Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath:
27 Neither give place to the devil.
28 Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth.
How important are such words here. We hardly get this message in our Baptist churches. To many other things to preach on. To many fornicators and sodomite running around without reproof. Too much sin to combat! Too many sinners that are lukewarm and who needs to be rebuked before all, so others may fear.
Paul said very simply, to put away lying, and speak every man, truth WITH his neighbor. Control your emotions (Be ye angry and sin not). Don’t be wrathful! Don’t give place to the devil.
Let him that stole steal no more. Who was stealing? Who was told to just get back to laboring with their hands? This verse has extremely strong implications that a modern, career minded Fundamentalist will quickly dismiss and it leads me to my next point.
But rather let him labor, working with his own hands the thing which is good. That he may have to give to him that needeth. (28)
Christians are inventing a call out of a their hats calling it public ministry and what ever ministry they want to say is under a commission banner, and figuring out how to somehow classify it as evangelism. Many would not know the first thing about working with their hands. They are not doing the work of an evangelist as pictured in the word of God. The evangelist you see today, well, they are just tradesman.
Many are doing the work of a salesman. Traveling, taking offerings, tithes, faith promise, and any other handout they can get to support their off-shoot street ministries, to pass out tracts, to preach in churches for revivals, or slice and dice Christians from behind a pulpit and call it Evangelism.
Most evangelist don’t even understand the definition of their own title. No evangelizing of anyone, only messages drowned in OT themes, so they can have their justifications to be the hardest preacher they can be, to be seen of men. These destitute men believe in weird forms of evangelism. That have rebuke, repentance and riling with no gospel presented.
After they destroy, rile, and incite, at all the functions they deem worthy enough for their thunderous voices, they travel on weekends to churches for their continued support. And we continue to suffer these sort of men? This is not an evangelist. This is a self professed preacher, who fancies himself an evangelist because of it’s biblical name. They use bible verses because it makes them sound biblical. Being Biblical can be wrong. There are hundreds of examples of this.
Allowing men to pompously display their behavior unchecked like this for about 20 years has created a huge vacuum of waste. The Lord Jesus Christ and Paul were dead set against such actions and attitudes. God help you to note these men and have no fellowship with them!
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