Thursday, October 13, 2011

Fade to Black ~ Part 1

The greatest minds of today, NASA, and any educated person believes everything revolves around a fixed star called, our sun, this is defined as the theory of heliocentricity. It has long been the accepted teaching that supports evolution and if you dabble further, the possibility for another planet like our planet. However, we see without question over and over again, that the Bible, God’s Holy word teaches Geocentricty, which has the Sun revolving around the stationary Earth.  Now, they are both theories to a point, I mean who really knows such depths right.  But the biblical evidence is overwhelmingly in favor of the geocentric model.

The deceptive danger of believing in heliocentricity is that it makes the Earth of little importance and allows for speculation of wild, theories about alternate universes and other possible Earths. Listened to the news lately, anyone?  That is the talk, and it is coming from the brilliant minds at NASA who the world obviously trusts explicitly.

Believing in heliocentricity, you can easily accept the popular notion, that alternate, inhabitable planets such as ours actually exist in the cosmos.  You can accept concepts of a sci-fi world, like Battlestar Galactica, where they are searching for Earths twin, for lack of better words. Accepting all of the scientific proof they say, you can accept any possibility that NASA spins. There is  grand design to the lie.  It is as old as the stars! The real, true false religion.

If there is one Earth, and it is decaying, as Global Warming charlatans would have us to believe, then what do we do?  Well, according to governments, politicians, and nations, we are actually talking about real colony life on Mars and the Moon within 50 years. 

Because as they say, Gore and all the rest of the spinning poli-ticks, “the Earth is melting, freezing, or just plain dying, oh the humanity!” It didn’t have anything to do with certain people lining their pockets with green energy and solar flops could it? 

Fortunately for the believer, God is still God, it is still his Earth, and it will change when he allows it.  There is still a time stamp on this Earth, and it has much life left.  This we know!  There will be no 2012 doomsday disaster.  There will be no major cataclysms of which the world has not witnessed.  These Earth tuning and shattering events are reserved for a future time, that deals with a tribulation that transitions into the Kingdom of our Lord with the Lord Jesus Christ reigning with Israel as his nation.  I don’t care how many nations wants Israel wiped off the map, it will not happen until the holy one of Israel allows it!  So we at least have a good 3 and a half to 7 years, once the Holy Spirit is absent from the world, and the believers in Christ are translated and resurrected! 

Without waxing biblical and over saturating you with scriptures (not that you would reference them anyways). After the time of tribulation, there is 1000 years. Where Jesus Christ will reign, physically, and visibly on Earth.  In the tribulation, the Earth will be rent, and laid waste, at the end of the 1000 year reign of Christ, the Earth will be renovated by fire, and made NEW! Yeah, all this sounds nuts, I know.  But what else are you gonna believe, NASA, Scientist that use probables, evolutionist that always change their theories, and trip over there own peers, back tracking on information and information twisting data to prove something that is not there?  Yeah, it’s dumb to just believe the King’s English I guess.  Those dumb Bedouins, desert wandering idiots were just talking rubbish!  Yeah, I know.  Don;t believe it!  But it does not mean it still want happen!

So, back to the topic of God’s Earth. The global warming fiasco (science falsely so called) that reared it’s ugly head about 20 years back has some elements of truth to it (as every lie does), in that the Earth is changing atmospherically, but these types of cycles have always been and will continue to be.  But inevitably, it will die off.  There is a great plan of the ages for the Earth, and it has roughly 1,000+ years left on it!

So, the bible teaches that the Earth was made on the 1st day of the creation.  And God made it. How long that day was, will, there is great debate on this, believers call it, the gap theory, however still, God made the Earth first before any other light, planets, stars, or the Sun and the Moon.  That is Gods stand on it,  Plain and simple.  You can’t accept that, and want to call that a lie, it is your business.  It sounds crazy to you, the skeptic, because all you have ever been spoon fed is the other!  

Great men and minds in history long before preachers believe the Earth was fixed, and they were not backwoods preachers, but quite the contrary.  But who knows history, better yet, who reads anymore?

Evolution, no matter how scientific, right sounding, and, to coin an industry term, how “dead-on-balls-accurate” it sounds, it is, and always has been, and always will be still based on theories and probables!  As scientifically thorough and correct as they debate it, as dumb as they make weak Christians look discussing it, I will take my faith, you have your theory, and see you an eternity! 

If we can both say, atheist, agnostic, evolutionist, pagans idolaters, star worshippers, Sabiest, NASA God denier, that beyond all our great discussions and points, who really knows.  Death is the road to awe, right, I mean, as sure as I am about salvation and heaven, I still have a lot, “Well, the word just isn;t clear on somethings!” moments! I don’t say I am SURE of my book, and my God, though I am, I tell them I am sure of my Faith in them!  And what I can’t understand, or explain, I chalk it up to my stupidity! My faith, versus there theory, which by definition, is their faith as well.   And believe you me, you have got to have some serious faith to believe we are just animals who evolved from nile sludge over 15 billion years.  

There was no Sun yet created until the 4th day! The Earth is the footstool, and not the other way around.  The Earth is the central figure in the firmament to God.  It is where His glorious Kingdom will be.  It will illuminate the universe and the ever spanning galaxy! It is where “the light” of New Jerusalem will be once there is no need for a sun anymore !It is established! Fixed in it’s position in the heavens!

Because of the accepted belief of the Sun being the central figure, making Earth simply another planet like the all the others now showing up in the news, spiraling madly through space at unreal, and unbelieveable speed, revolving around the Sun like the other planets amidst the chaos, that no one understand show it really holds together.  Oh they can date, and hypothesis, but they still talk of “God particles” and they know about 2% of the mysteries of the galaxy, and space beyond our atmospheres. To the evolutionist, and Atheists, Earth is now just another commonly viewed miracle of the evolutionary process that is dying and starting all over again in the middle of the ever expanding universe. Governments are in serious talks, have been for years about relocation! To the stars, not mountains, and bunkers, the stars! Recently people, if you have had your ear to the ground, politicians, scientist, and even the Vatican, is looking seriously into getting the heck out of dodge.  Wonder why?  Their time of honoring themselves is soon coming to an end, and the devils that lead them about know it!

It is why we are currently, seriously, globally and collectively looking for other habitations.  You see all the articles, satellites specifically built to find habitation among the stars, NASA, world governments, private contractors in space travel now, etc. “We have found Earths twin”, “Habitable planets found”. What they fail to mention are a few details, like it would take our fastest rocket, 960,000 years to even get to them.  Don’t believe the hype! If the Earth is stationary, and is the “footstool” of God, as the word says, then God is real, and has a vested interest in her habitation and inhabitants.  If the Earth is spinning around the sun liek the other planets, it is just another planet, and God never created it, and we are amoeba sludge, and monkeys only born to die and provide fodder for those we leave behind.  Whatever, you can have your illusions, let me have mine.  

From a believers perspective, it is all really simple.  Th Earth is dying!  It has too.  It has a shelf life given to it by God.  It will, in fact, be renovated by fire, totally laid waste, made desolate, destroyed, and made new. This is laid out in the scriptures to any serious searcher of dispensational truth or things that envelope God’s plan for the ages in theology.  We don’t grasp it all.  No diligent believer in the word of God ever claims to when seriously searching the scriptures for answers to bewildering events in End times. Nevertheless, we are not to be dismayed at these things we see occurring today.  It must come to pass.

There is still much veiled to us, but we see in the scriptures, through careful diligent study, the overall arch, a glimpse of a set timeline, that has a 8 day period of human events correlating with God’s events culminating in the 1000 year reign of Christ that all our Christmas songs allude too.  “And he shall reign forever and ever”, you know, Handel’s Messiah, is referring to the end of that 7th day, after Christ our King, with Israel as His nation, is reigning for those 1000 years over all the nations of the Earth, literally, visibly, the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords.  Afterwards, glory eternal, the start of the 8th, the perfect age, what old time religionist referred to as, the “golden age”!  

This to an evolutionist, or atheistic scientist cannot be accepted.  So there is no God! It has become to be that man was created from the evolutionary process of a crazy big bang, then to eventually, from nothing, where life did not exist, and violates the natural law of physics in thermodynamics, we were formed of nothing, and 15 billion years of chaotic, happen stance, based on theories, that have a significant amount more inaccuracies then naive notions of accepted truth.  

Tack on 200 years of higher education globally and in American Colleges of which many began with a Bible (Harvard, Yale, Dartmouth, Wake Forest, Princeton, just to name a small few), has now turned into a haven for self righteous, egotistical men of destitute minds perpetuate their own gospel, the faith of evolution.  They protect it and preach it with as much fervor as a religious zealot. If they accept God, then they are guilty in their sins before him, so they must be educated out of a belief in him.

There is simply what the Bible teaches, and what the world says.  You atheists scoff at us for following a book “written by man”.  I ask you sir, ma’am, What are you following?  I know I know, scientific proof, it must be defined in a lab, yada yada yada.  Where is all that scientific proof coming from though, thin air.  Isn’t MAN giving you your beliefs!?  You would trust these corrupt professors and evolutionist over what a pure word of God says?

I accept science when it is truth, not just because some schmo says this is science, but even science admits there is multitudes of information we have not a clue about.  They focus on the inexplicable and incomprehensible, and deal in all probables, and hypothesis. They focus on small percentages of fact, and neglect to tell you the millions of questions they have no answers to. Nature witnesses of Creation, it really doesn’t matter how long the Earth has been here as opposed to WHO put the Earth, and us here!

A Big Bang would have only produced chaos, and never the articulate, precise order we see magnificently displayed in the host of heaven!  The Big Bang itself is against the law of thermodynamics and the theory of relativity, but we ignore these scientific facts and entanglements and focus much on hypothesis, and fossils, which sometimes turn out to be dog turds from the 1700’s.  Scientifically, evolution is a theory, but it is taught as strong as any faith, and as confirmed as strong as any fact in every modern school today!

The Earth is his, though Satan rules now (Luke 4). It’s purpose is still forthcoming.  It still must be renovated by fire. It still must be “laid waste”.  I know this sounds nuts, but, ya know, that Bible that has been sitting around for years, deals with a great many things, not just some guy named Moses carrying 2 tables of stones, and a person called Jesus, whom you think is a zombie! He is no zombie.  He is living, and returning as a righteous King, with sword of flames, issuing from his mouth. Sounds nuts right?  

There is a new earth and new heaven coming. Three quarters of the entire Bible deals with a topic of a Kingdom, whether present or forthcoming.  It is a integral theme, and the Earth is a key player because it will be the heavenly location of his kingdom and his New Jerusalem. 

This predominate theory of heliocentricity perpetuates Christians into aligning with Theistic Evolution as the easier approach to debate. Everything is watered down to perpetuate the big lie, and heliocentricity is a big part of it. 

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