Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Welcome to Silent Platform~ An Introduction

Have you ever sat in church and just looked around at the happenings and said, "Oh my God, what is going on here?" Have you listened to the words being preached and thought to yourself, “What?” Have you ever sat in church and had one of those moments where it just sounded way off coming from men preaching even out of the same beloved AV that you read?  Have you ever just had those "red flags" of caution do fly-bys in your mind when you heard men handle the word of God deceitfully and you just knew that the pendulum of balance had gone way far to one side?
Well, Silent Platform is where I talk about all of those things, and strain the things that men have made gnats! In decency and order, and with a Biblical perspective, nothing is off limits.  I will delve into any subject matter at the express purpose to in fact see what the Book says about it. Having said that, I am no authority, and I do not have it all figured out.  I respect and reverence the word, I do not have it mastered nor my doctrine foolproof!  
I just cannot maintain the ridiculous Baptist-successionist, driven dribble and the positional theology anymore.  I have seen a curve, a slant, a transition from a literal approach to the book, to sort of play on words, manufactured Christianity where many phrases are used to support supposed doctrines, that tend to private interpretations and traditions. We have gone from sound doctrine, to systematic theology now to positional theology.  We have all become very selective haven’t we?
A preacher once said to me, “If you take 50 Baptist preachers, lock them in a room for 24 hours, there would be blood coming out from under the door within 24 minutes!”  If you knew the men that I have known, which I’m sure my target audience does, then you know this is very descriptive and accurate of many Baptist societies and men today.  

So, here, as the good dividing and conquering Baptist that I was trained to be, I will attempt to split the hairs that are dividing us and examine what the core issues are and not so much the symptoms.  No doubt symptoms will be dealt with thoroughly.  There will be focus on the taboo and unmentionable aspects of ministry and the flip-side of those things that always gets suppressed by the working order of the Fundamentalist system/religion many believers have found themselves in. You just simply have to decide while thinking for yourself, above their influences, with the Book as your guide. 
Silent Platform is where I will take it to far!  It is where I over step the bounds.  And reject the established socials structure  in the body.  It is where I respectfully disagree with 80% of what we see in our believing societies today. It is where I will call it like I see it and say something about it.  I can have my say as well as you!
For about 20 years now, saved men like myself have been sitting and listening to you jackboot Pharisees, deceived in our submission to your pastoral authority!  And every time we attempt to just give another consideration, we are branded, hypers, heretics, or hell-bound!  
So we leave peaceably, removing ourselves from froward men and unreasonable men.  Of course you just say we ran off or ran from God and hard preaching. We become obsolete to you, nothing but another name and illustration to use in a sermon. Silent Platform is that witness against you brethren, that refuse to believe that you could be in error!  
This is where I was forced to open the 1611, examine everything you ever taught us in that light and I found I was left wanting and lacked many things! Now I met some great, decent, respectable men of character along the way, so don't think I am painting it all black, but I am going to paint it black.
What you will find here is a random collection of essays, blurbs, studies, questions, considerations, random observations, experiences, rantings, ravings, commentary, and raw, unfiltered subconscious (I write like I think). I will attempt to maintain a tiny grasp on reality, of which many have apparently have lost, along with a small dose of skepticism, angst, frustration, sarcasm, common sense, and context, which I deem to be much needed today in our current slumber!
Lastly, I guess I would classify this to be for the true “believers” of the Lord Jesus Christ and his gospel. It is for those scattered, believers outside the camp in the wilderness, those happily in the camp stagnate in their traditions, those imprisoned in the camp under a popish pastor, and those starving in the camp on a steady diet of “milk”.  
It is for those struggling in the camp from attacks of nonconformity and those withdrawing from the camp fleeing as fast as they can from disorderly, defrauding men who charade as spiritual leaders perpetuating their evangelical, fundamentalist fantasy land!
You believers with good assemblies, good fellowship, good pastors, good elders, and good leaders, I envy you! Many of you good Christians that are spoiled in the ministry and the great churches need to understand that what you have in a local unified body of believers is rare. It is just not the case for many others. 
The silenced believers, simply those sitting and hearing, whose individualities are denied, are the untapped voice in the local churches, which is to say the body of Christ.  God sees your work!  Stay faithful and hold fast! 
Don’t worry.  You really not missing much in the ministry. You don't want what many of these men have created! Trust me! They themselves are ensnared by their own traditionalist observances that they are to old to give up and it is too late in the game for them to stop now. So they train the new breed.  Now those guys, they are different and brethren, the new breed, they have fangs! Beware men!
God speed...and I hope you find what you seek. 
All Hail the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

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