So, what if others are “called"? What if God selected some young men in the church, gave them a voice, a heart, and a desire to minister, preach, or teach the word of God? Are they ever allowed to exercise this gift? Why does it seem like "the call" is only applicable to those in a position of authority? Why is the call only applicable to those who have surrendered to the full-time ministry or those going to seminary? What about some young 20-something kid, who has a heart right with God, but works a regular job? What about his call? What about his gift? Is it allowed to be exercised, or do we just find a mold of ministry more suitable for him? I mean, with all our varied ministries we have created, we can find something for them to do, as long as they aren't standing challenging the established doctrines.
Most pastors just influence them or find positions more suitable for them. Some send them off to seminary, because the pastor doesn’t need the young preacher boys, not yet ruined by fundamentalism and religion, to tell him or the church anything. They need them properly brainwashed and trained for their own definition of what the ministry is. So they go off to schools, get brainwashed the same way, and have their own churches and ministries in the vicious life sucking machine of the fundamentalist religion.
To allow some yahoo who says he is “called” as well, to stand behind their pulpits and to preach things a little out of the ordinary or different to the pastors flock, that is just not being “decent and in order”. It might scare away the good tithers. He might say some things wrong. You might have to deal with hard issues.
Why does the other guy’s call to preach not recieve the same nurturing as yours? Why does he not recieve the same prayer and help? Why is he not allowed to “exercise” a call that he claims? IS he lying? IS he deceived? He is just too immature? What is it? Why does the brother who is called as well, not allowed to share what he received from the spirit? How many men, that God has imparted spiritual blessings to, be it patience, teaching, the ministry of the word, etc, are just stagnating in churches for lack of opportunities?
Their answers may also be, “He is not tested yet”, or “let’s see if it’s real and not emotions”, or “there is to much that I disagree with him on”. Think of this fact though. God has given them (our pastors) a word to say 150 something times a year, but not the other guy? I have seen men who began pastoring at a young age of 18-22, and yet when they are much older and wiser, they do not allows the young whipper snappers to say jack!
If they do, it is under a controlled setting and many times, they are given the source material behind their pre-selected sermons. It must be all that wisdom and age, they must see some pride or sin in the young man. How nice that they are putting such effort into these guys...
If they do, it is under a controlled setting and many times, they are given the source material behind their pre-selected sermons. It must be all that wisdom and age, they must see some pride or sin in the young man. How nice that they are putting such effort into these guys...
The other guy, who is just as much the member of the body of Christ as the next, may have a fire burning in him to preach truth, to his brethren, but it will soon grow stagnant and dormant for lack of use.
I really believe sometimes these guys have serious mental problems. How can they allow their mind to work that way and not see how wrong it is. Pastors just simply choose who is called and who isn't! Why is it thought to be of little importance? Because, how could HE be called, while believing something different as the ONE who is called, the pastor?
It is done to always maintain control of the flock, the dumb sheep. All of this crap is done in a diversionary way, to never have the real discussion that is at the root of all the problems and division today. All this stuff is done to protect the pastors authority and their position. There are thousands of independent Baptist churches that have one pastor, good as some may be, preaching every year, year after year, same styles, same messages, and untold thousands of men among them who have much to say and offer to the body of Christ, but they are never given the chance to do so unless it falls under some Hyles type ministry that is dormant and in need of a “surrendered” servant of God.
It’s double talk in how they talk of there being “much to be done, just come talk to me, we will put you to work”. Yeah, I’m just saying what everyone is thinking, but what he means is a man will be put to work in their dormant, “labouring in vain”, unnecessary, unscriptural, wasteful ministries. They want these men to answer to them.
And don’t fed me some prompted line of bull about “Well Christ is being preached”. You fundamentalist and your quoting of Paul to defend our compromises and traditions!
First they imagine God talking to themselves for their call, then they imagine the devil talking to you in leading you astray because you are different from them and could not have been called by the same holy spirit. When the call of God came to them, it was a blessing, when it happen to the other guy, it wasn’t a real call. These boys must be walking in the spirit to have all this discernment. The mind of a fundamentalist preacher is a wonder to behold.
They wrap their holiness around all the works in the church that they do. And believe you me, there will always be plenty of works that are visible to the naked eye. Much labour is being done, no doubt. How easy it is to feel like you are doing some great service. In their minds, they always look to their position.
What if a believer from the low slums of the congregation doesn’t just roll over and accept the nonsense, and they point out that they may have been led astray, or they are teaching people wrong. Well, the fundamentalist minds run to all they have done, and are doing for the Lord. All they have suffered in “the ministry”. All the toil and labor they have endured.
“How could it be that I am wrong? I am walking with God, doing his work “ they think. “I read my Bible everyday and have family devotions, I never miss a church service, I witness every time I can, I pass out thousands of tracts. I go door knocking and street preaching.” So when their traditions are threatened, and their trade craft is brought into question, their depraved human nature runs to it’s safety net, SELF.
I do this, I do that, so the conclusion is “Surely I can’t be the one that is deceived. “Ye shall know them by their fruits, and look at what I am doing compared to them”. It’s like anything else, you peddle it long enough, you will believe it yourself.
Self deception is the worse deception.
So, since they like to rip this verse out of context, “the gifts and callings of God are without repentance” when talking of their own call, what about the other guy. If the other mans call is without repentance, why is he never allowed to address the congregation, or to give a word of exhortation?
His calling is without repentance right? Why is he never allowed to exercise his gift. Why are the assistants in most of these churches only allowed to preach once a year, or less. They are being trained right? The pastor is overseeing their growth right? What a bunch of bull! These assistants are glorified step and fetch, do-listers for the pastors.
His calling is without repentance right? Why is he never allowed to exercise his gift. Why are the assistants in most of these churches only allowed to preach once a year, or less. They are being trained right? The pastor is overseeing their growth right? What a bunch of bull! These assistants are glorified step and fetch, do-listers for the pastors.
The ruling clans believe in a call to preach alright, just not your call to preach. How could you or I be called too, and we are telling them all that is wrong with their traditions. So you must be led of the flesh. A devil must be in you. You inevitably must be walking in the flesh, and you must be allowing the devil to corrupt your mind.
They believe God can use you, only if YOU are like they. If you differ in major doctrinal topics, you are the one who is crazy. You are the one who has been talking to crazy people. You are the one being led about and deceived. It is a waste of time to attempt to explain that much of what you have received from the Lord has been from personal bible reading and study. “But you aren’t in church faithfully!” Their thought process is the same as above. “How could what he is saying be right when he doesn’t even go to church?”
The one who always maintains control, so that “no new thing” ever comes across his pulpit, must not think too highly of his congregation. They must be real stupid in his view. To allow something different to be taught, it would just create to many questions, so they would rather keep em dumbed down with milk, and constant charges to save the world and build the church. They couldn’t handle the questions it may raise cause, ya know, the dumb sheep. Other believers may start reading the Bible as well to recieve these advance revelations, some things that pastor has never taught in 40 years.
But when it is them talking to you, they look at everything they say to you as to be directly from the throne room, precisely for you. “God gave me this message”, “As I was preparing this sermon, the Lord led me…”. They are walking in the spirit remember! God has placed them in the high calling of being a pastor over us retarded sheep. They have the oracles and the thoughts of God to deliver to us.
But they view what you say to them as to be under the influence of Satan because it is contrary to their core belief structure. How do you talk to people like that? You don’t! You get the hell out of dodge! You depart from them, and find believers who are above the many traditional influences. And you k now what, some of you are more irate about the fact that I just said hell as oppose to what I have been ranting about previously! Just sayin!
It’s funny how these men are for the people making their own decisions in political realms. Some tax or bill comes up in the news, and it is all “We the people, let the people decide!” But they would never let an opposing view be taught from the pulpit. They would never just leave it up to the people to make their own decisions based on what they see in God’s word. At that point, the pastors or the ruling clans decide what is allowed. Opposing views may create to much debate.
Pastors just seem to not have the faith and reliance in God to work out some of these dividing issues. Reason together, get the elders together to consider a matter. Bring some matters before the people! Admit error in following traditions. Start a new journey with those who want, and the others, well, you will see who the traditionalist are.
So, am I called? IS he called? IS anyone called? If God does still work in this way, why aren’t there more Christian men exhorting the flock?
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