This dependency problem is paramount in explaining our fundamental core problems in churches today. We say things like, “We have to have preaching!”, or we egg the preachers on like they are some athlete. We just use different words. Instead of “go, go!” or “rah rah!”, it’s “amen preacher!” or “preach it, preacher!”
Services are held, sermons are preached, and church is just SO good. That’s all you hear. We all just kinda keep lying to ourselves don’t we? There is no real growth but only a surface growth. How can there be growth? How can there be? You grow from receiving milk and meat from the Word. You grow from receiving encouragement, exhortation, teaching of his word and edification.
Today, all we really get is lots of preachers and preaching, along with lots of special services (i.e. evangelists, missionaries, great commission faith promise conferences, youth rallies). There is no open discussion or study. Everyone in the ministry is to blasted busy to discuss anything not to mention they have no desire to really delve into our problems because every thing is working so well and God is blessing so much. The understanding is, if you disagree leave. The people in the church are simply supposed to take what the preacher says as truth. We have our standard operating procedures and policies like any business out there. If one man, or a few select men in any congregation are controlling what everyone should be thinking, doing, or saying, it has become a hierarchy relationship.
It is no longer a caring, humble base Shepherd, submitted to his people as they are to him. It is about the preacher’s ability to thunder the Word of God, to orate the oracles of the divine scriptures. It is about their ability to run an operation (ministry). And because everyone is duped into thinking that this is the God-honored set up and no one is the wiser, why not make a living off of dumb sheep? “We are helping folks”, right?
We assume that these instances of what many call boldness with God’s Word is God honored preaching, but in reality, and when further examined, it is vitriolic, hate filled, preaching designed to decimate and throw down all who don't assimilate, deceitful doctrines (i.e. Great Commission evangelism and theology) specifically designed to produce automaton mission minded Christians, legalistic standards (i.e. Pharisaical mandates) to control the weary in well doing, perverted gospels (i.e. repentance theology) to keep people living in fear and submission instead of liberty and peace, and an overall gross misrepresentation of any new covenant or the gospel of the grace of our Lord.
And guess what? If you don’t agree, it just simply sucks for you and your family. Our preaching and preachers have become the litmus test for “church” today when this was not the setup or case at all in the NT gatherings. It’s increasingly difficult to understand why we still carry on in our observances and traditions while we all claim belief in the same rulebook. I understand the worlds perception of our confusion more now then ever before. How can I even invite others to hear and witness our going and comings?
I know why, and so do a lot of other “outside the camp” believers.
Money, control, and pride. There are no other reasons or justifications for men to blatantly go against the NT order and covenants for their own private agendas, and kingdoms. I don’t care how good they preach, how much they have helped your family, how long they have been your pastor, how great a guy can preach on the street, how bold they are, how much scripture they know, how long they have been in the ministry, or any other example they “throw in a dissenters face” to mask their own charade.
We are we so shocked that men we hold in high esteem are ravening wolves, sly serpents, and pharisees in sheep’s clothing, hell-bent on lifting themselves up to positions or titles of preeminence while disintegrating and destroying the poor struggling sinners beneath them. Some pastors keep the people in subjection with their soapbox, pet-peeve, what-is-bothering-me-these-days, flesh filled preaching, and others simply with the vicious life sucking machine of traditions of men that have creeped in and choked the body dry.
These men are the basest sort of cowards and charlatans alive today, and it would shock many of us faithful bible believers to know how many of our heroes in the faith, traveling evangelists, mooching missionaries, are actually wicked, destitute men who have only figured out and CHOSEN to defraud the body of Christ to make a fake living off ignorant sheep. Seriously, think! How could these holy seperated, fire breathing pastoral authority loving, ego maniacal sons of thunder hold a job anywhere else anyway? It's why you see them popping up all over the place with different titles, positions, and ministries. They have to "save face" and appear that they are still "called of God"!
Wise up, Christians. Know where you are in the world. Forget the allegiance to the grandiose temples, the fabulous new buildings, and the popish Baptist who only tell you that they care in order to keep you in their twisted fundamentalist fantasy land while defrauding you, soliciting the poor sheep for wasteful, pragmatic, traditional ministries and so called Great Commission endeavors.
Yeah, I’m talking about your pastor! They are veiled in the same flesh as you! The only thing that makes them different from you is them telling that! Every lie has elements of truth, that is how it becomes a lie. It is meant to deceive. God will hold YOU accountable believer! You, for listening to truth twisted and accepting it without checking with HIS authorized word.
Stop and think where we are in the ages. You already know that you are in the most wicked age ever. Why should it shock you that apostasy, traditions and man’s logic and spin on things run rampant? And guess what? You take anything to your pastor that you disagree on, his kingdom and agendas then become threatened. I am telling you right now, they will never concede or change. They may let you stay, but they watch you, and they have there agents watching you to.
They hold the titles, salaries, and positions much like a business man in the secular world that loathes what his corrupt corporation does. They can live with it. Those things are paying their bills, their child’s college tuition, etc., and they will always justify a way to keep plodding on down their course appearing to be the honorable man of God. If you ever disagree, you will soon be asked to leave, or end up leaving yourself out of receiving only pleasantries of pre-fabbed religion and weak, automaton Christianity where everyone cares more about loyalty to men and family than they do to God and His book.
It’s crazy, but I feel now sometimes that I must protect my children more from the subversion that has crept into the church than the wickedness that is out in the world. At least I can see the wickedness coming, at least I can shield them from present danger. But what I can’t shield them from is the separating of them from me and their mom just to trust the intentions and biblical interpretations of Tom, Dick, or Harry.
These men are using the same book that I read, however, they use guile, manipulation and subversion to implicate things that are nonexistent and distort truth through fundamentalism and private interpretation of the scriptures. And believer, that right there has a far more damaging, and long lasting effect on our kids’ mental and spiritual well being then we will ever realize.
These guys are not above reproach! Why are we so controlled and so afraid to approach them? Hold these clowns to their baseless claims of authority, traditions, bloated salaries, and preeminence with the same book they use, and you will see how this sort weasels, squirms, manipulates, distorts, attacks, deflect, and at the last denies their involvement in anything short of bringing God the glory He deserves. They are a member of the body, same as us. Wake up, don’t let these guys intimidate you into allegiance or membership. Thats all they really care about aside from protecting their own legacies. Since it's the popular and accepted thing today to strip verses completely out of context for all kind of nonsensical preaching, I thought this one was fitting to close this out!
Yea, they are greedy dogs which can never have enough, and they are shepherds that cannot understand: they all look to their own way, every one for his gain, from his quarter. ~ Isaiah 56:11
Yea, they are greedy dogs which can never have enough, and they are shepherds that cannot understand: they all look to their own way, every one for his gain, from his quarter. ~ Isaiah 56:11
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