Hundreds before myself have asked a pastor, “Pastor, why do we do things this way?” They have a verse ready. We think it is sufficient, because surely a preacher would not take something out of context. And furthermore, they would never lie to us to keep a line of thinking or a so- called doctrine intact. A man of God who is called of God would never keep senseless traditions just for the sake of keeping people? Not our pastors! Right?
They give you scripture to have a form of godliness, some half-twisted, half-quoted, totally distorted scripture and that is it! They love God and many of them love His book. They just only see things in a certain light and with a certain light.
And then we dumb milk-fed Christians go “Ohhh, thanks pastor!” They will never sit across a table from you and let you show them anything. They have to maintain the illusion of preeminence. See, you are not yet learned, and they have to teach you slowly.
They are afraid their little delusional world will come crumbling down if they allow discussion or make any changes to the machine that is running smoothly. I mean, “look at all that God is doing!”. The fundamentalists and corrupted Christendom are just plodding along now, going through the motions like the law-keeping Jews of the NT. They have no idea things were well off the tracks before we ever received HIM. We just joined ranks with more people who claim to have it all down.
They are afraid their little delusional world will come crumbling down if they allow discussion or make any changes to the machine that is running smoothly. I mean, “look at all that God is doing!”. The fundamentalists and corrupted Christendom are just plodding along now, going through the motions like the law-keeping Jews of the NT. They have no idea things were well off the tracks before we ever received HIM. We just joined ranks with more people who claim to have it all down.
How could I have been so naive to invest so much time and effort into keeping peace with a lot of these clowns? They are and were simply wrong and many times, willingly, knowingly wrong. I just can’t be satisfied with that.
I carried guilt for years thinking it was just me being a rebel, and bucking the system, because those were always the answers I got as to why I saw things differently. It had to have been my flesh. But now, they are just simply wrong. Dead wrong!
There is no debating with these people. They will never stop doing it the “Church” way. They will never abandon their tithe and faith promise. They will never stop beating down doors. They will never stop the out of order street railers. They will never change the standard order of positions. They will never stop with their out of order titles and terminology. They will never stop heeding some mystical call that tells them to do practically anything anywhere. They will never stop all this nonsensical talk about fulfilling some dead commission. They will never stop interpreting passages the Baptist evangelical way. They will never stop their positional tendencies. They will never stop spiritualizing every passage in the Word to support their actions. They will never leave off their systematic theology they received from seminary or whatever backwoods shack passing itself off as a Bible institute. They will never stop seeing Acts as a playbook for outreach ministries. They will never see the importance of the edification the sheep coming before the evangelization of the lost.
How many ruined families are in the wake of these restless, dishonorable men? They will never stop following all the rulebooks of religion that they have received by tradition of their protestant fathers, and yes, Baptists included.
I tried for years to explain some of these things to my friends and family still in it. They are just simply comfortable in their ways, the same way they say I am comfortable in my “carnal” ways. They view me as backslid, running from God, I view them as deceived. And ironically, we believe the same book. How do you reconcile this? They think I must be living in sin because of all the rebellion I am displaying towards the “order of God”, the house of God, and the required church attendance and standard “give your life” to the church bull.
Everything just seems so fake, and prefabbed now.
When I was living in the Fundamentalist fairy land, I would look at some of the stragglers, the people who say they are Christians, but they would never come to church “faithfully” or “get involved”. There was a certain thought that was prevalent about these people. Whether from the preaching, remarks here and there, or just others asking for “prayer for them” to get more faithful, or “IN”! They were always viewed differently, the backsliders, the stragglers, the unfaithful.
I understand why now. I think of these families that would show up every now and then. It is a little clearer to me now. When I was doing my thing in the church, I would wonder about these families that would pop in and out, and wonder, “Why won’t they just surrender and commit to God?” Now I know why. I must have been such an ass to some of them. I was always told, “they are just out of church, not walking with the Lord”. I would always hear some say with a certain amount of false concern “if they would just get sold out”, “if they would just get in and get on fire.”
After a while, as you grow in age and in the Lord, you see all the bull for what it really is. You understand that a building is just a building, and the Book IS the Book! You see that fellowship, worship, and church are all seperated now. There is just the raging machine! You see all the things they told you, and you understand why it was done.
You see how they simply “use” the Bible like anyone else. You begin to understand that it is always some form of societal control. It is hard to maintain the sense of illusion when the truth is so arrogantly being perverted now. Maybe it’s not arrogance, maybe it’s denial. Maybe I am too hard on some of the brethren.
I just got to where I could no longer say “amen!” anymore to anything. I found myself going “What did he just say?” instead. I found myself taking notes in disbelief and not taking notes that were pertaining to any message of exhortation or edification. I had to get some of these things down. I couldn’t believe it was coming from a pulpit.
They all do it the same way, with a few variations. How can I encourage my kids to join vanity and show? Why would I? Because it’s expected of me? Because it’s what we are supposed to do? Why would I subject children to what I deem disorder as their parents, in the world, or the church? My vows to God concerning my children are solid. I have made no vows to man. Am I to simply go to church because they claim to preach straight and they love us and the kids? Should I just assume because it is Independent Fundamental church that it is safe?
I am told all the time, “your kids need church” and now, I just want to keep them away from it so maybe they can understand the gospel and the Book without their minds being marred by Fundamentalism and preconceived notions of the ministry.
King James Bible believers, what a joke. The ones that claim to read it, and believe it the most are the ones who have the most division and the most confusion. The KJBers today are among the most offensive, close minded, fanatical zealots to have ever walked the planet. I still believe HIS words. And yes, I believe it to be the 1611.
“Oh, it isn’t that bad”, “all the churches are not that way”, “you're the one that is off”. Keep telling yourself that people! You live in a shell! You're blind, and you don’t see the true condition of things. You keep adding your baptist band-aids to try to fix the problems or act like there is no problem. You live in a unreal world of your own making. Keep telling yourself that you are following His will, doing His work, and enjoying the blessings of the ministry as you go through your traditions while calling them service for Him.
The ministry has been perverted. You are in a machine. The very definition of it has been distorted. Next time you go to church with your “happy face” painted on and your “Sunday best”, think outside the Baptist Box and try to see things as they truly are.
I always hear stories of souls being saved, lives changed, the work of God being fulfilled, the great commission going forth, but it is always the same faces. The same numbers, the same hymn songs, the same backs of peoples heads in front of you, the same announcements, the same prods of getting people involved, the same guile in getting people to give, the same wasteful outreach ministries.
Sure, people may get saved here and there, but the investment never matches the effort. Never! Then some piously talk about “the one sinner” who was reached to try to appease their conscience. Where is that one sinner? He isn’t interested in the fakeness, showmanship, or games of the modern church today. But invariably, that one sinner is sacrificed for the others they so urgently need to reach next week.
I am only viewed as a embittered, deceived, offended Christian who obviously has been hurt along the way. Yeah, big shocker, who hasn’t been knifed in the back? Like I didn’t know that was coming! A year after I was born again, I heard one of the greatest truths in this life, that those that will hurt you the most are the Christians.
Yup! These clowns can thrash and destroy others from the pulpit, cut down others privately when they get together at their camp meetings, and that is somehow justified. But let some young layman point out serious doctrinal problems in our services, and it has to be bitterness and anger?
It’s just rhetoric! It’s politicking like in Washington! Just keeping the faith, enjoying the ministry, and the blessings of God the same way the senators and congressmen enjoy their privileged positions!
It is just a way not to deal with reality. Like an ostrich sticking his head in the sand. You see, my beloved battered Baptist, control has to exist for these guys to still have the authority and power they crave and possess. They could not have it if they did not control it. The best way to control a system in some cases is to act like a system isn’t there. This is called deception, whether it is being done willingly or not.
Wake up Church people. Wake up to what you are in! Independent Baptist or not, examine your church's doctrinal beliefs. Make sure they aren’t just perpetuating traditions of men. You may find you are in one of the rarities. But probably not. There is no harm in asking questions, I mean mix it up a little bit. Not to steal sheep, or to stand against a pastor, but to seek truth. What else really matters?
Conversation and discussion may bring understanding that you have been seeking. Your pastor is a good man, but he is playing the game like all of his other preacher friends. And he is using you and everyone else in the church to live out his distorted fantasies, some much worse then others. Some pastors are willing to learn, most will just ignore you, or cast you out. I speak this to our shame!
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