You sap headed thug street preachers out there, and people who have come in contact with them, this just has to be said! So listen up and suck it up, and go on for God!
As thoroughly stated in previous sections on this blog, I do not disagree with street preaching, and I do not mind anyone doing so as long as it is true preaching of the gospel for the express purpose to win men and women to Christ and not vain showmanship and civil disobedience masquerading as boldness.
If I do proclaim the word publicly, I do it out of a desire and a preference. I don’t publicly preach to be in line with any NT mandate or the scriptures. I don’t do it to fulfill some dead commission. I don’t stand publicly with the word of God in my hand quoting scripture for any other reason other than the preaching of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, and things pertaining to that and that alone. No pet peeves, no pet sins that are just easy targets for preachers to have there fulfilling moment of fleshly battles with the world, beating the devils horde back to the gates of hell.
If I quote the word of the Lord, I don’t do it to prove anything to any man or to align myself with these men in practice. I don’t do it because I have some mystical call or command from the holy spirit. I do it at an opportune moment, like what we see in Acts, but not as a doctrinal command that I see in the word of God to follow.
As a preacher of the word of God, I may be compelled or constrained from time to time to publicly proclaim the word of God concerning the Lord Jesus Christ for the intended affect of opening dialogue to lead men to the saving knowledge of his gospel of grace and the power of his blood and resurrection. This is expected of any preacher, to have the discernment to know when the holy spirit is working, other wise, it’s just “loud noises.”
Not everyone is able to correctly convey the gospel, through scriptures, with distractions abounding. Certainly not children and new converts who know zero scriptures to lead men to God. These radical street preachers and hirelings that justify their slanderous behavior and righteous hellfire preaching, boasting in their great afflictions of, spit, beer, hate, cursing, and their cause to “fight back as David did against Goliath”. They don’t consider, nor do they accept and view a simple separated life of others in the body of Christ to be a ministry, or a service. So they create something out of nothing, tagline it with a few ministerial terms, and that is how a charlatan false prophet comes to be.
Once these wannabe sons of thunder, dooms day, prophets of repentance have successfully leeched on to a NT assembly, they then start with their separating and divisive ways. This has a two fold purpose.
It identifies the true people in the flock that see though their lies and they just become the compromising sissy arm chair quarter backs who don’t have enough guts and God in them to preach publicly. Then at the same time, it attracts the young zealous man devoid of Bible training, teaching or knowledge, who thinks this is some new thing, or ministry that he could be a part of, and it offers such a rush to the man's ego, and his flesh, he doesn't see the under current. Who wouldn’t want to vent their frustration sometimes, yelling at cars driving by at or sitting a stop lights, going back to the bars, and the beaches, telling all the folks that are still in it how they need to be like us and repent?
Once the separation is made, and the young men, or young preachers in the church are convinced that it is God’s call for them and mandate for them to be standing on a street proclaiming the word, it now becomes a church wide ministry, usually done on Saturdays, with the occasional (some more then others) dip into the more confrontational, drive too, street preaching events.
This is where the street preaching gurus, and publick outreach professionals start to give little works-shops on out reach and what street preaching is. And all the places it occurs in the bible, and how many men in history have done it too. This is when they actually pull the scriptures out of their holy rolling arses and deal with them in the twisted fashion that has become so expected of these church vermin. I’m telling you they are deplorable men motivated by a false spirit of conflict!
They start way early, with Noah the preacher of righteousness, and wrap it up with the apostles in Acts. It’s really quite commendable and remarkable how they are able to juggle such a large amount of incorrect text trying to draw the conclusion that street preaching has always been, and we should always be street preaching. Basically, if he, any male character in the word of God that is on God's side is standing and talking, every text where this happens in the bible is now a proof text for them to bolster their said positions. It is a ginormous smorgasbord of private interpretations of our beloved scriptures. I don't know why we have been unable to hold their feet to the fire, and not allow them to be so loose with God's book.
After the clinics, and the brainwashing, with the scriptures of course, you may see more men within the congregation start to get infected with this insatiable desire to “hit the streets.” I'm telling you pastors, elders, preachers out there, these guys are like leprosy!
They say things like, (exact quote) It’s addictive, because it pleases God, and the holy spirit will escort you to your street corner. The holy ghost is always willing to go street preaching he just needs someone to go with him. The heart starts beating, you start feeling that excitement of being out there. Any ministry that does not do it God’s way, or shows you a sinner bound for hell, and preaching against your sins, is not doing any thing scripturally. Sin and controversy is right. (I guess he means preaching on these things is right) A prophet or a tree is basically known by his fruits.
You see how they talk for God? I'm not just picking on one man that I came across in my journeys. There are thousands of these mountebanks out there. They have entire fellowships, and conferences, books, how to series, clinics, workshops, studies, etc. They call it God’s way! Or they say things like, “The holy ghost is always willing to go street preaching he just needs someone to go with him.” These are the Fundamental KJV Baptist Bible Believers, giving their own private interpretations on things, tossing around scripture, ad-libbing the word of God to perpetuate a supposed doctrine.
When faced with contention,…all that does is excite me, they come by and do all this stuff,...criticism towards us just fires us up. First bit of controversy settles things in the battle zone and war zone. We love it we are excited about it. Preach what’s on your heart.
“Heart stars beating, excitement, preaching against their sins, showing sinners bound for hell, sin and controversy is right, it fires me up, settles things in the battle zone and the war zone, preach whats on your heart.” Where in the world is the gospel of the grace of God? Where is the drawing men, of the reason of the hope that is on us? Where is a door of utterance, where is harvesting fruit unto perfection that Jesus spoke of?
Where is looking for the soft and fertile ground as a responsible seed bearer of the word and the gospel? It’s like we try to purposefully sow the seed in stoney ground just to have the stories to tell, and the notoriety of being a big bad bold preacher. This above in nothing more then the flesh desiring to be seen and known. And needless to say, MUCH could be said here as well about the conflict of the spirit of Christ with a militaristic mindset. You will see more of this as we continue.
They name themselves all sort of audacious things. Like some sect or fringe club that works and corrupts through the very establishments that should be drawing the “public” in with the preaching of the gospel of grace! It’s nothing more then a modern day version of any other post crucifixion separating guilds or sects. They are separatist, who only look for those they can influence to buy into their scams and twisted belief system.
I have experienced that feeling they talk of. I have walked in their shoes. That feeling before street preaching and of course when surrounded by 100 other angry, conservative, baptist, we simply soldier on and of course we would be encouraging one another. And it did get easier. I just don't believe the holy spirit was encouraging us to be there.
In retrospect, I think this is because I of my own choice and freewill in suppressing the holy spirit inside me telling me I know better. Understand, God will let us go, and do our own things. He will let us walk merrily on into ruin if we wander far from that book.
When I quiver and shake today, I am either cold, in pain, scared or something is wrong with me in my head. “God hath not given us the spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind”. I never think fear and hesitation is from my Lord, it’s from the flesh and our own weakness, but to imply that because you have a tingle, a moment, a experience, a feeling, an excitement, we have to start wondering when is is made up in our own twisted way of thinking due to our wresting of the scriptures. You sound very charismatic talking in these manners
They call it the spirit, but could it be plausible that it is just adrenaline from being a part of the confrontational, stand against them raids we put together?
We have all thought this at some point around these events, watching these grape apes piously act as if they truly cared for some one after they just called their wife a whore. These thoughts and questions are usually just suppressed with masked bible knowledge on boldness and apparent proofs of street preaching in the word.
The street preachers make themselves the examples for the other to follow, and they call it encouragement, bootcamp or training. Looking at it from the outside, it’s all kinda spooky to be honest.
They explain to them that it is normal for them to feel like that because it’s a battle! Maybe it’s the spirit fighting us, telling it’s not right! Do we ever consider the flip side? We are so naive!! God does not relay things to us like he did to the Prophets! This is the problem. This is why we can’t mandate things when there are no clear commands to preach the word of God like we see among our resident street preachers. Our methods, to use an old Army term, that may irritate half of you, is “Fubar’ed”. Just look it up, all I can really say.
So after the new recruits of God’s green berets, and the SWAT team preachers, and the sons of thunder, and the fellowship of the unashamed, and the street preachers fellowship, and the preachers brigade, and what ever “the” preachers are calling themselves these days, once they have been trained and enlisted, they hit the streets continually, rapidly, and religiously. Some churches that may be associated and connected with certain seminaries even make this a required ministerial activity for the young weak minded, don’t know any better, impressionable, wet behind the ear preachers.
The military mindset is paramount, sermons about battles, and lessons about boldness before the pre-planned, premeditated, man made weekly street preaching events. The elitist, Swat and Green Beret references are their own terminology not mind to inflict sarcastic accusations upon them.
It’s interesting though, to point out what some official motto's and names that are actually associated with the Green Berets. “Liberate the oppressed!” Or they are some times coined as the “Quiet Professionals”. These are left out of course. It just doesn't convey. The last thing street preaching has become is to be known for being full of men who are the quiet professionals! And c’mon, they of their own admission are not liberating or converting anyone, they are just standing against, and protesting. They admit this openly! And we support these buffoons?
What about the other elements of spec-ops community, aside from the obvious, blow em to hell, hit em hard, and leave no man behind, the Green berets also hold to: Behind enemy lines, the winning of the minds and hearts of the locals is more important than destroying the enemy.
And I have mentioned how there are ministries called SWAT, which means special weapons and tactics. Key word here is tactics. As in tactical, as in subtlety, practicing discernment, finesse, wisdom, patience, self control, trust in others, intellect, observation, rationale, common sense, examination, and just the general sense that your creator gave you.
It’s funny how these illustrations, which are actually true and accurate are always left out. These egg sucking nazi wolves are just Baptist shock jock, thrill junky provocateurs that desire that fame, the soldiers of the Lord, the soldiers of the cross, and all that militaristic hoopla and regalia and we have been given it to them. A man once said, "Those who clothe themselves in good deeds are well camouflaged." Think on that, in the context of all this rabble.
They are this way because they want to be this way (flesh). It's a well hidden self righteousness. Some even start believing their own lies because they have been living it so long. It is not uncommon in people, saved or lost to be like this. There just accustomed to it. This is called deception.
Some churches have armies that go out. Literally, platoon size strength, hell bent on doing nothing else then ruining the sinners fun time. That is there underline secret motivation. If they were really preaching Christ, they would not admit, and openly state, that they do not preach for conversions, but that they preach to warn the sinner of his wicked way, and the unrighteous heathen, to repent or they will burn forever in the lake of fire.
I’m telling you pastors and Christians out there! Wise up! Open your eyes, as clique and expected as it may sound. You have been blinded and duped by the strong, machine like current of Fundamentalism.
This is a well operated and devised covert operation within the body of Christ designed by the spirits of hell themselves. Good men do not even realize the spirit of error so obvious to everyone accept themselves and their fellow soldiers. It is a conundrum of epic proportion, a intricate, difficult problem and I can't for the life of me understand way seemingly maybe 1 in 10,000 Independent Bible believing, saved born again, King James Bible reading people are unable to see this for what it is.
I have been a part of this on more then one occasion. I just don’t see how it is different then any revolutionary, liberal college student protesting some grievance. They are not preaching the gospel of the grace of God! Pastors, don;t just assume, your junk yard dog preacher in your church is behaving how you expect him to. He isn't ok? You need to wise up!
They aggressively seek out conflict that is preach against what they deem to be unrighteous, they only speak of repentance, and we just sit back and twiddle or thumbs and loosely quote Paul, “well, at least they are preaching Jesus and in that I can rejoice.”
It’s all we really do when we get down there isn't. We look at the poor sinners before we start we do our song and dance, have our little show of praying for them, have others take pictures so we can revel in it, and then we preach the hell out of those people a solid hour, or more, or all day long into the wee hours of the morning like our beloved apostle Paul. Sigh...
We call them names, minister confusion, pass out 15 gazillion tracts, all with stern faces, and hard lined stances. It just seems to be more suited to a prophet scenario, and not the body of Christ that is supposed ambassadors of his gospel of grace!
It’s fundamentalism of the worst sort, just as subtily subversive as any other false doctrine that has crept in unawares and we are none the wiser. Street preaching as we know it to be today, as we see it to today, as we hear and witness in our churches and neighborhoods today, from our resident street preachers, is not the same sort of public proclamation you find throughout the scriptures. You have been wham-boozled!
Just sayin...
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