Sunday, December 4, 2011

A New Priesthood ~ Part 1

A Treatise Against the New Priesthood
~A kick against the fundamentalist pricks~
This is “the get it off my chest” part.  If I thought it proper, I would name names, and let the chips fall. You schemers and defrauders! I have the letters of your tall tales and your manipulation of men.  I know what was swept under the rugs, and kept from the congregations.  I know the inner money changing, and hand-shaking.  I have seen the protection of your own kind at the expense of the sheep.  I know why positions changed, and men were removed or renounced.  And what some of us have missed, God has surely seen it all! Amen! 
If I my mother didn’t teach me better manners, if that Book had not rub off on me, I would call all you suckers out by name.  Your wonderful followings, and loyal members, they have no idea what kind of men you are. But I know!  I know what kinda man you are!  
All your charades, all your little speeches, and many of you are nothing but common thieves. All your secrets, all your dirty little inner strifes and turmoils that are kept hidden with such precise calculation.  You are expert in your cloaking of your own self righteousness.  It is hard for me to understand how we claim to serve the same risen savior?  I have to love you, and hope with great faith, that somehow, God used you in his way that I cannot see, as he did with a “jackass” in the OT. 
At this point in the game, it is now apparent to me that there have always been bully zealots and fanatics, who pervert THE gospel, and implement private interpretation contrary to the scriptures.  Every true Christian body, or sincere believing society has had to deal with brutes, ogres, fools, jesters, and oafs! 
In every generation, in every reformation and awakening, in every church age there has been, they have existed. They are found quite possibly in every denomination, but are more prevalent in the fundamental ranks where they can easily blend and infect. They are the pharisee of the modern day. 

These men, they are just men, and some men as we know, are unreasonable! In their case, they take their knowledge of the scriptures and use it to destroy and scatter their own, and to polarize those that are unworthy of their fellowship.  They are simply unreasonable men.  Their is no discussing anything with them.  
So get your words and labels ready. Your detracting, excommunicating hard-lined stances. Get ready again to tell a guy he is cutting it to thin, or reading it wrong.  Get the made up bad word for people like us on the ready line, like, “hyper-dispensationalist!” Just so you can go on ignoring the problems right in front of your faces.  C’mon, people, some of you out there, you know the system is flawed.  But still you coddle it, protect it, defend it, all while standing on sand.  When the flaws that you may know of, are the things that are keeping you all in your religious stumper slumber.  In many cases that go unseen, the system is causing the divide and the division, not the dissenter!
I might as well tell you now that I have every intention to read “into the text” with the text that we will cover, as well as make practical modern day application with a little bit of private interpretation. What? That seems to be the popular thing today among the preachers and pastors.  Just find some topic that sticks in our craw, find a passage that gives us a springboard to throw a preaching frag grenade, and that is preaching right?  Completely rip the context apart to get the desired gain.  Why not!  Who cares if God didn’t intend or mean what we think he did?  It’s what we do with everything! It’s how we operate, loosely throwing scriptures around for this and that and the cat in the hat.  
Need a ministry, or a calling? Just grab some scripture!  Need to justify some wasteful funding project? Need to bleed the heart of your people for some vision you have, find some scripture. Just simply pick some scripture! 
Need the people to give more or attend more to your ordinances? Wisely select some scathing scriptures ripped out of their text.  Need more young men going off to the gospel ministry and seminary? Go to the prophets or Paul, misappropriate, talk of commissions, quote the good old book, work up some tears,  and use his book to get your purposes fulfilled!  Why not!? 
Need more volunteers and step and fetch it’s to carry out your battlefield commands and directives as soldiers of the cross standing against the hordes of the demon underworld? Throw some scriptures out, imply mandates and calls, and watch the ducks fall in a row! 
Just find some passage that seemingly advocates and supports traditions of men, so we can pull the wool over the eyes of the sheep (who most likely are to busy in the world and the ministry to even read and study the word for themselves) in defrauding for funds thereof.  The dependency rule is so ingrained in us that we can’t see how addicted to religion we have become as the Independent sort. 
These sort of men, the new priesthood, the pharisaical type, are devoid of true wisdom, and submission to God’s word, who just parade apparent biblical knowledge.  They have just learned to USE God’s word, in the truest since of the words.  They take it, twist it, distort it, and implement tradition with it.  They are the unseen glue, that hold all the traditions and ways together.  There is one spirit driving them, and the tragedy of it is that it is a spirit of error and everyone thinks it is the spirit of the Lord!
This new priesthood I make reference to is established and confirmed today far more above the establishment and confirmation of any gospel of the grace of God. They are the modern day pharisee, and they are alive and thriving today.  They are the organized crime within the body of Christ.  The equivalent of the money changers in the Temple! 
Of course they all appear as great holy men.  Just like the pharisee, and Temple workers of Christ day. Of course they have long standing faithfulness, think about it, the system supports their lifestyle!  Of course they are the perfect shining examples, the system is in place, and in our naivety, the body of Christ has allowed this preeminence for  150+ years in churches that have the ring of Independent or Fundamentalist.
They are within the structure.  They rule the structure.  They are supported by structures! They are why the structure will never change! They wear nice suits and ties, have the best hair, the proper family values, like all the businessmen of the world.  There children are above reproach.  And their word and actions will not have any wrong doing associated with them! 
They even have the swagger of the performer, with the skills of the actors! They have a certain appearance, and certain expectations about them, all controlled by preset traditions within the operating body. Of course they “seemeth to be religious!”  It is meant to look great!  It is meant to have this feeling of “togetherness” in it’s deception.  You are sheep!  And the sheep have been letting men dictate rules and laws, mis-using the word of God for selfish gain!
They are the pastors among us, the so called “preachers” among us, the street performers, the murky missionaries, the questionable evangelists, the needless, and wasteful staff workers, you name it.  
Not to imply ALL are evil, but it is so hard to differentiate now.  
Sadly, there are good men out there, who are just blinded and controlled by the structure.  They are not evil, just lead about by the spirit of error and every wind of doctrine that is coming from this new priesthood.  But they most times, will never consider alternatives, or anything that challenges what is already established in the standard mode of operating. Some even feel they are truly bound to it, like some sort of misguided loyalty. 
Believers, open you eyes! I hate to be that guy, or to sound like that crazy guy that comes to your church from time to time. I hate to sound so accusatory, revolutionary, or all “Che!” like,  but sometimes believers need to challenge the status quo.  We all have the authority, and the ability to read and grow from it, not just those in position leading us ALL about. This fact is kept suppressed with great craft.
There are IN FACT men that are lording over their flocks with a iron fist of pastoral authority or some misguided concept of loyalty to the “man of God!”.  There are men engaged in deplorable, selfish actions within the body of Christ, who seem like reverent, men, and faithful pastors to their flock.  But if anyone is truly in the book, they will see it all for what it is.
These are the wolves! Not the Catholic priest down the road.  At least the Catholics  are forth right and in your face with their catechism.  This new priesthood, they hide true intents, like a pharisee from Matthew 23.  We should absolutely stand against these types of men!  They are the ones we were warned of, not the cults outside our doors! 
Yea, they are greedy dogs which can never have enough, and they are shepherds that cannot understand: they all look to their own way, every one for his gain, from his quarter. ~ Isaiah 56:11
Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things to you, to me indeed is not grievous, but for you it is safe.
2 Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the concision.
3 For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh. ~ Phillipians 3:1-3, Paul
For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have inclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet. ~ Psalms 22:16, Jesus Christ
Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know these things before, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own stedfastness. ~ 2 Peter 3:18
We don’t question and debate with pharisees in the congregations for conflict, or to prove others wrong, but to establish the faith, make sure the doctrines and precepts left to us plainly seen in God’s word are being looked upon with the right perspective, or else, it really is all in vain, and we have in fact become “castaways”!  
Our “church’ society today has taught us that the pastors are above reproach and unquestionably authoritative in all their directives.  It is so bad now, that it has become the sought after position, and in many cases, young men are groomed for such positions and they wouldn’t have it any other way.  
Many pew sitting Christians think they are supposed to be in natural servitude to these men.  Some feel that if they leave these men, or disagree with them, that they are stepping outside of God’s circle, or umbrella of protection.  They feel like rebels if they question.  This position has been forced upon wandering, naive church members for years.  All with twisted scriptures at the helm. Are we not men?  Do we not have sense?  Did God not give us a mind to read the book as well as the “called to the ministry”? 
These problems leads into larger issues, such as our dependency issues on men and their ways.  We feel we aren’t spiritual unless we are spiritually submitted to some man somewhere or brick and mortar somewhere.  We have become the institutionalized types we have been preaching against.
Dealing with these hot topic issues head along, with the word of God at the fore front, in plain sight, unhidden, is how the gospel is defended, and confirmed, making sure the proper structure is maintained, and the word of God is thoroughly preached, nothing hid, nothing left out, everything out in the open, not charging for the preaching of the gospel!  
It is how the word is supposed to be approached, not with private agendas and intents that just have a Biblical ring to it.  You charlatans, that hide behind the KJB issue, like you are some all knowing pastor.  You just read some of Ruckman’s books, let the ego go to your head, and now you are nothing more then a stark raving lunatic that gives shelter and financial support to other stark raving nomadic, wandering lunatics like your self! 
All the while, the true gospel, it has not been maintained, and we are living in the rankest apostasy there is, where the system, implemented by traditions, have ensnared all of us! You who think you are not snared by fundamentalism, traditions, mans agendas, greedy gains, etc, really examine it among the brethren.  Even your “people person” caring faithful pastor.  
I’m just saying, anyone can play the game, anyone!
The system does not allow for the word of God to have liberty.  The preachers have liberty to preach it, and teach it how they see for sure, but it, the WORD, does not have liberty. When the WORD is at the center, looked to as the authority, with togetherness, reasoning, searching the scriptures, is how apparent truth is examined in the light of the scriptures.  When the word actually has “free course” and liberty.  Not man! It is heresy finally exposed. If a pastor or church elder or leader is off the mark, are we not supposed to “restore him”, and relay to him his instruction in righteousness?  Ask the hard questions in the congregations? Challenge each other to strong biblical thought! Not to embarrass, and often not publicly, as it may “give offense” to the assembly in seeming combative.  But don’t just assume they are right either because they are up there and you are down there. How do you think the early bodies grew!  
Remember in Acts, when the word of God was expounded “more perfectly”.  Today, the word of God is snuffed in favor for a world-wide-evangelical-gospel-call-philosophy.  Were the horrifying truths are man just doing it how they see it to be done. And men coming up after them following step by step, sometimes adding a whole variety of their own steps. The new priesthood justifies much because of certain passages that imply certain commissions! The new priesthood talk much about “spreading the word” and “telling the sinners, “Thus saith the Lord God!”
Who submits to the other brother these days!  Iron sharpenth iron to the new priesthood is only meant to be one way! The pastor sharpening us dumb, weak, no-bible reading Christians. They never see the need for their own correction and considerations.  They never view it as submitting to one another in the light of the word of God, reasoning together for common benefit!  Ya know!  Unity!  Ever heard of it. But these men, their positions, the titles, their posturing, makes them preeminent, even if they appear to be a great pastor.  The still have that headship, that doesn’t exist, in a system that is as structured, contrived, and man-made as they come!
Real societies where spiritual unity is anchored in the word of God, where technically, and literally speaking, you are all learning the structure all over again, together, submitted to the word of God, in unity. This is where the hard questions begin to be dealt with.  This is where people will have to confront there greatest fears, that there beloved traditions and sacred cows have no real scriptural support and backing!  
These discussions, teaching, and sermons make people actually look at the way they have been doing things, operating ministries, and many other things and totally shows them backwards or way off focus.  And who wants to admit that, when they have 10, 20 or 30 years of ministerial experiences behind them.  I mean c’mon, what does that say for their discernment and constant bickering of daily bible reading?  How did they miss it.  How do they continue to miss it. Makes you wonder how they hold to such traditions, when there is no real grounds for them in the scriptures.  It’s much easier for them to look at all they have done, accept the pragmatic fruit in it, and say “praise the Lord” for calling me to the ministry!
Understand, they have already past that point, where they have convinced themselves of the own lies they have to keep spinning to continue to gain the monetary support required for all their little things they have cooking!  They have seared their conscience to any other biblical pattern outside of the systematic one they learned from their fore-fathers in Bible college or Pastors school.  
So, if you, the dissenter, say something contary to accepted teaching and use Paul, they just say, “you worship Paul!”.  If you use the Lord, they just call you a “hyper”.  They will always have a label at stand by when they can no longer answer the scriptures. If you try to reason with them about their errors, they just look to their ministries and positions as their justification for anything, cause see, they are in the ministry, and how could they have been deceived about a great many things? It’s nothing new, but age old pride.  There is nothing new under the sun!
Many are such a minute minority within the accepted belief structure, that there is never a real spiritual connection with those in any given assembly aside from shaking hands on Sundays and Wednesdays.  That my friend is the division we don’t see.  The struggles within the churches with those who see it altogether different from the ruling fundamentalist.  This struggle is a silent war.  And it usually has dirty hands and acid tongues! 
In rare churches, or assemblies, where the Lord can truly work, the churches where these sorts of strange, events occur, an illumination of the scriptures within small pockets of HIS body! This is where the word and the Lord has free liberty, which in turn gives men liberty in Christ to reason together, the deep things of the Book, while finding a much more simplistic approach to an abundant life and a more excellent way!  Minus the funds, minus the boards, camps, minus statements of faith, minus commissions and  mandates that hold to mystical callings. 
Just the realistic, true unity, true brotherhood, true fellowship, true friendship in Christ, eternal bonds that have eternal bearing!  Our unity in Christ is MUCH more vital and needful then whether or not we answer some call to the regions beyond.  We have it backwards.  We are a church unified in nothing, run by dictators, operating off of traditions and gimmicks of men that produce affects.
Big shot camps rule, blood legacy pulpits and tradition reverencing designs have full grasp on operations, Dr’s have sway, and Seminaries rule the day! Institutes teach the new breed! Fresh from their daddies church to the favorite bible schools, totally manipulated and urged in many cases, led to believe it is all part of God’s will for their life. Any individualism or questioning of standard operating procedures is just called rebellion and unwillingness of submission and assimilation.  If you don’t agree, then you are thought of as deceived, messed up, or led about by Satan.  
Some of this new priesthood worship a Bible, some correct the Bible.  Both are Fundamentalist, Evangelicals at their core and they all spin the same web to a certain extent. See, it’s not the danger that you see, it’s the danger you can’t see!  Other religion will take their creeds and confessions to hell with them, we know what they believe.  But those among us, who happen to be in authority, they are deciding what will be taught, and who is doing the teaching! 
We “trouble making” Christians are not to split churches, but others professing belief in the same Christ, the risen savior of the world, what is the harm in asking serious questions if you think you have been surrounded by masquerading, raging, egomaniacal, psychopathic preacher or prophets, who are very busy preaching all sorts of nonsense and foolishness.  What if you never get any edification, just charges to join the fight.  What if you never received the sincere milk of the word?  What if your growth is stunted for the sake of answering some commissions call?  
I understand we all like to protect our church homes, I get it! I really do!  We feel the need to always think we have it so good, and to be loyal to the man of God and the house of God!  Don’t rock the boat!  Just let sleeping dogs lie? Don’t ask the hard questions! Just continue standing on the silent platform.   
Character assassination is used to control the dissenters.  It is under the guise of “pray for their brother”, and goes along way into guiding the sifting process!  Anti groupism, and excommunicating, under the guise of “you don’t see it my way!” Statements of faith perverted with delusions of grandeur about commissions and callings!
It’s no question now that they do bring other gospels, usually ringing to the tone of repentance and law.  But they say, “I’m not teaching works”, and it makes it ok!  We let it slide, and just say, you are teaching it to tight, and you need to be careful!”  These men are perverting the gospel!  We never hold these clowns to their twisted scripture selections?  We NEVER sit down with ANYONE and crack a bible open.  We never make them explain to us how they reach their crazy conclusions of the scriptures.  
They can quote it loud and clear, but they won’t give you time to open the context and dialogue surrounding it.  There is something wrong.  Most of these guys when put on the spot, going beyond face value, searching in context, are cowards.  Bellowing cows,  who just make loud noises, and cause the public to wonder! I could care less about how much scripture a guy can quote. No different from a theater production.  The Pharisee of Matthew 23 knew much scripture as well.
Opening a bible!  Who does that anymore?  That is just maintained and reserved for the pastor on Sunday and the Evangelist on Wednesday.  And who has time to really dig in the scriptures with all this new gospel ministry fake ministry setups we have going? Whats wrong with us? These traditionalist zealots hold men to heavy burdens of legalistic standards, and a sort of “live like me” code reviling the mafia. “but we are so busy!” At what point do we actually consider if it’s all laboring in vain, and all in well doing?
Holding to the law and prophets charges with some misguided, miscalculated assertion on some commission, then mixing a little of Paul’s message of grace. This is another gospel, wholly separate from Paul’s gospel message of the grace of God, through grace, through faith in his blood, etc. This is truth twisted.  There sounds to be much scriptural backing, but it is only twisted scriptures! The fundamentalist is a great manipulator of the King James!  
In the churches that have been invaded by the ranks of zealotry, and fanaticism, one must remember that everything has a “Bible” ring to it.  King James and everything.  It all sounds right, and proper with the word of God. 
“A man can get the scriptures to teach anything!”. 
In these churches, all kinds of ideas and operations are prompted by ideologies of other men.  The wrong spirit is behind it, and the flesh has most of the drive influencing it more then the Spirit.  
This new priesthood we see today is the offspring of 200 years of our own intermeddling with traditions and the scriptures, and it has produced nothing more then a well oiled religious machine that rivals any other religion thriving today.  
They hide around all kinds of historical mumbo jumbo and biblical sounding terminology and phrasing.  They hold to slanted views of church history but only from as they are taught by their teachers.  They use manipulation to get the desired “fruit” or effect. They use and hold to delusional rantings in their preaching above the order and doctrine of the word of God.  They practice a sort of spiritual abuse among their members to keep them in toe. 
They hold to scams above the more simplistic, NT way of giving.  They hold to almost fairytale like publication on history, like “the Trail of Blood”, and denominational Successionism that rivals  Eastern Imperialism. They look to mythical callings to justify every thing done in his name in the ministry, right or wrong, because “they are the called according to his purpose”!  
They distort the true message of the gospel! They practice methods and instructions that are better associated with mind control then Biblical guidance. They incessantly concern themselves secretly with competition with other churches. They hold to a slanted take on the founding fathers words of liberty.  They remain dangerously close to worshipping any source and anyone that is King James oriented. They use misinterpreted passages to represent some dream of modern missions.  
They use hatred of others they do not understand to mask their own insecurities within any given society. They use corrupt methods to gain money! They evoke fear into evangelism, and call it good preaching!  They create multitudes of various made up ministries and we call it “the Lord’s ministries”.  They use over saturating tactics in their outreach smorgasboards, where they purposefully offend, standing on stoney ground casting the seed among swine because of the overused and often misapplied phrase, “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel!” 
On one end of the public outreach spectrum you have men acting like effeminate Mormon-mimicking, baby sitting Baptist door knockers, and on the other end of the spectrum, our public outreach officials are rabid dogs heel bent on repentance theology, bordering on legalism and law, rampaging, raging, self proclaimed, “confrontational street preachers.”  And both of these examples  misuse and perpetuate the precious scriptures to justify unorthodoxy.
But they say, “Noooo brother, calm down, you are just cut off from what God is doing, and you have to get back to where you left God, where he can use you again”.  Which coming from them means, submitted to a man of God (them or those like them), and following all his traditions, and you may have a chance to grow in the ministry again!  It’s all rubbish to me now.  It’s semantics and play on words.  I have seen men dangle ministry carrots in front of multitudes of young men coming out of seminary.  
This rabid sort of priesthood are usually over the top and Neo-nazi-like in their patriotism that they think there freedom of speech means they can deny it to others who are inferior.   They may have freedom of speech in todays wicked America, but they do not have freedom or liberty of the Holy Ghost of God to carry on and revel like they!  God gave them no such command to preach as they do, furthermore, the Lord issued no authority to them for them to hold over you!
Any standard, old time, Bible preaching church today can have 5 to 6 Fundamentalist in it, secretly behind the scenes, running and controlling every little detail. More of the same, like the Pharisee’s of Matthew 23.   Tithes and offerings still being used to control, build, and expand our private empires and agendas.  We hold to creeds and standards of Bible institutes and confessions.  We would rather be like our Baptist counterparts, and not buck the system, because we would stop getting the support! That is, monetary support! We use passion for souls to mask our greed of gain. We have our academies that are also steeped in apostasy.  We love our concept of Faith Promise gimmicks while rejecting any semblance of “giving cheerfully”.  
We hold to Sunday School programs and  Soul winning endeavors.  We have clinics to teach the arts of soul winning and fill the pews to have more folks to give to our deluded system evangelism.  We have been controlling with anger, fear and resentment for years and even sometimes reform to a gross type of racism. 
We protect our Vacation Bible schools because of the draw it brings, and the funds it brings, much like our valiant and noble bus ministries. These types of ministries that always have a great need, i.e., monetary support needed, but rarely produce real fruit.  Then the bleeding hearts start when you point out common sense.  “But what about the one soul?”.  I ask you pastors and preachers, “What about the 99 we lied to, offended, yelled at, defrauded and robbed to get the one?” And you say, “oh it’s really not that way brother, c’mon?”.  Yeah?  You c’mon! We mask the heresy with the urgency! 
We have our missions conferences were the machine and methods are confirmed and perpetuated with traditions and new missions concepts passed down from mission minded preaching gurus to “don’t-know-any-better” pastors. We have our camp meetings our prayer meetings, our revivals that further broaden our assimilating ways. We listen to missions boards, use their counsel, and advice in getting offerings and we never view it as defrauding of the brethren.  We hold to creeds of deputation, which has a wide range of interpretation and definition. Discipleship is only “be-like-me-isms” now. We never advocate individualism, but only groupism!  We never allow the exercise of gifts from others in the body, just calls those who rule the body!
We hold our converts to regimented, militaristic attendance records, and call it faithfulness to God.  We require and memberships and letter! We have charlatans and mountebanks that are our favorite preachers and teachers.  We deprive liberty of others!  We muck salvation with grand misinterpretations that mixes Kingdom themes of the OT and Grace from the NT! Pastors and teachers, evangelist and missionaries, all fresh out of seminaries, trained to be frauds and extortioners, sometimes without even knowing.  They are just following suit! Doing the things they have been trained to do.
Bible colleges infiltrated by con-men. “They say, “Nooo brother, that could never happen, look at all the fruit!” Emotionalism in preaching, and railing at root, secretly behind our admonitions!  Heritage eluded to in our messages with legalism hidden at the core.  We talk about “old paths” when we are headlong in new traditions!  We think we carry this testimony of upstanding citizenship, and good Christian character, but it comes off as arrogant, ignorant, and zealotry!  We think, “they just hate us because of Christ.”  No!!! They hate us, and don’t listen to us because we have turned into vitriolic, self righteous, hypocritical jerks!
I don’t know if you have been paying attention, observing, but there has been a bloodless gospel infiltrating the camp with a sort of bullying style of preaching and showmanship.  They talk much of repentance and turning to God, but never preach the gospel, or reference his blood or his grace.  Self proclaimed, provocateurs for Christ, nothing more then another type of shock jock, or street performers.  Perverted preachers, who use anti groupism, ridicule, guile, mockery, anti-anything preaching to build there flocks.  They always have something int he world to protest, and sinners in the way that need to be yelled at! 
They commonly resort to twisting the scriptures among naive, often down trodden sheep!  Having an essence of manifest destiny in their words, who see inferiors as occasion to deride and ridicule, another defining trait that rivals modes of Imperialism. These men of the baser sort have received no call or mandate from our God.  They simply found passages in the bible that justify their unorthodoxy, or take other mens calls from the bible, Isaiah, Jonah, Paul, etc.
Private interpretation, and general manipulation of the scriptures with well orated preaching prowess can sound like truth and rally calls to those who are ignorant! But they, as long as the good stuff is getting through, fruit is apparent, and “souls are getting saved” and much is being done, who cares about all the bad right.  
Some brethren I have discussed these things with say to me, “You just find all these bad examples and lump us all in together!”.  Well brother?  Look! You all look the same, you act the same, you read the passages the same way, you talk the with the same lingo, you preach the same, you hold to the same commissions, you recieve the same diluted callings, you hold to the same definitions of terms, you the same distinguishing features, programs, and code of ethics, so what else am I supposed to think? 
As long as we keep to our pragmatic ways of sticking with what works for the sake of the fruit we see in it, who cares what the Bible ACTUALLY says about certain things.  It DOES matter people, when we add to his word!  It does matter when we say his word says and it doesn’t say!  It does matter when we evoke God’s call, and God’s leading, and we are stuck in traditions and heresy!
Souls are getting saved right?  God is really moving right?  Right?  You sure it isn’t us talking ourselves in to our old ways?  What?  Man can’t deceive himself?  Man can’t talk himself into something?  Man can’t desire something so bad that he will manipulate, and say “The Lord sayeth” when the Lord DID NO SUCH THING?
Is he really doing something, or is it all manufactured?  You ever wonder why there is such an inner struggle in churches, that no one sees.  The youth, who began reading the book, that have zeal who see through transparency.   The “show-up-sometimes-families” who disagree with the overall arch of service.  Those faithful members who know something is off but they are unable to do anything about it.  The “staff” who always feel like we are just missing it.  
Those in control, they think everything is fine, and why shouldn’t it be.  They are those who are the called, and why fix it if it ain’t broke, right? There doing fine.  There bills are paid up, there possessions are many, why would they change anything.  They have their years of dedicated service, their accolades and notches on their belts, why change anything?  They have evidences of fruit, souls saved, missions supported, why change anything!  This must be God honored if the HE is doing so much work in the church right.  I mean, c’mon?  To think that man could just figure out a few intricacies of a “modern church” today, and exploit it for his own uses.  That would never happen right?
The WORD of God HAS NO LIBERTY anymore!  Men do! The book, it is in the corner with the cobwebs, while men run the gambit of our ways!  Oh they use it, they preach it, they proclaim it, they often talk about it’s perfection, but they just let the system work unchecked.  If anyone checks it, well, you know how a dissenter is dealt with today.  We are all led about by our own doctrines, our own works, of our own making.  We are not looking to any word!  We are using it, to seemingly advocate and establish our own ways which are traditional, when in reality, we are WAY WAY off the mark.   
We have just done things this way for so long, and it is too late in the game to change any of it, so who cares, I’m just gonna keep going on for God, doing what I know to do.  This position or frame of mind is corrupting us!  And stagnating us! We have been stumped in our growth.  Sure there is growth in other areas, but what about these areas I will be covering in the pages following? All the “apparent” good we have done, doesn’t even equal all the “actual” harm we have been perpetuating in our traditionalistic evangelical, fundamentalist ways!  

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