Monday, January 23, 2012

Fade to Black ~ Part 4

IF the Evolutionist, or Atheist, or NASA astronomer, or astrophysicists, or pagan is RIGHT, and IF I am wrong, then when I die, I exist as one with the universe, or reincarnate, or get stuck on a tropical island in the south Pacific, or maybe just nothing at all, total blackness.  Big deal!  Sounds interesting, bring it on!  

Maybe I will start over as a spongy amoeba, or strand of DNA, in some enveloping, ever expanding universe, within other universes, within other galaxies! Lets roll the dice baby! Maybe I will be a monkey on another planet, and start the whole evolutionary process over again. Maybe I will be a star, that can move anywhere I want.  Maybe I will be a speck of galactic dust.  Maybe I will be an evolving ring on another planet, maybe there will be a great light, a big explosion. Maybe another Big Bang. Maybe I will enter a Stargate, trance-like  journey! Maybe I will start a life a new on a new Earth, maybe it will simply be the end.  The God Denier has all kinds of mumbo jumbo speculation too. Maybe it all will just fade to black, and there will be nothingness!

Now, since you love hypothesizing, and listening to new theories on life, and existence, listen the other argument, that IF the believer is right, there is two, ultimate, totally distinct, totally separate, totally final, eternal resting places.  That is, our celestial bodies, based upon the doctrines of the Bible will either be simply with God in Heaven, or with a literal figure, who is sometimes in fact called, “the devil”, in a place called in scriptures “a lake of fire”. Hell will not be in the new earth!  Hell in scriptures is a place of torments and flames and burnings within the present Earth. 

To hot for even technology we possess, elements we have found , and knowledge to explore the heat in the depths of the Earths core.  Remember, it’s HIS Earth! Everything in it since Adam has been cursed, but it serves a purpose.  Think about all the thousands of dormant underground volcanoes, those are there to serve a future purpose!

You have a soul, that will feel, in ways you cannot comprehend, torments! You will have a bodily form!  And it will burn in Hell, until you are placed in the lake of fire somewhere future in time, a specific location, yet undisclosed in scriptures, beyond our thinking, most likely under the new firmament of heaven after the events in Revelation 20 take place!  And there, you will continue to feel torments, in a burning eterinty. Sounds nuts, I know.  

Believe me.  You guys like reasoning right. Thats what theorizing is in principle right? Believers reason too.  Paul, the apostle reasoned with men. The bible has a way of removing dross, and revealing pure truth. Truth doesn’t care about your feelings. Let the speculation begin! Your theories sound as nuts as mine!  Take your pick, you don’t believe my take is factual, I don’t believe your take is factual, so it really comes down to faith, or fiction.

You can follow Einstein's theories and fictions, or explore the faith that is in Christ Jesus. You can follow well hidden star worshippers and all the others all you want.  If I were you I would truly examine those men first though, before betting my “what if I have a soul” on it! Because if you do, it will not live in your body forever!  Your flesh will die.  Death is sure, and happens everyday.  Where will your soul go? Where does that 21 grams of mass go at death when a person breathes their last breath and dies, passing the temporal to the eternal?  Where does that seemingly insignificant amount of mass go?

Lets roll the dice!  My bible, the book of God, that we have in our hands to possess and read, to know HIM, and you your degrees, your intellect, the theory of relativity, philosophers who were in fact just as much sheep herders and nomadic bedouins as you accuse the men in the holy scriptures of being. 

Just saying, consider the alternative, as if it was actuality.  That is what good science does, upon finding evidence that suggest something more.  Test it, dwell upon it, search the matter out, seriously give thought to, and by deduction, come to a standing conclusion.  

What if when you die, and breath that last breathe, it doesn’t “Fade to Black” as the song suggest, what if there is such wonderment, and amazement at the coming heaven and glory that approaches the believer who rest in the shed blood of the lamb, no matter when they did it, or at what age in mortal life this unseen spiritual event occurred.  What if, that profession, and belief in GOD, that child like faith, and resting in the sacrificial; lamb of the Son of God, has finally culminated in the conclusion that is glory eternally with God, the saints, the body of Christ, and the Lord Jesus Christ? Sounds crazy right? 

But, what if, your inevitable departure from the gift that is life, suddenly turns to be far more alarming then you had imagined!  What if, there is indeed blackness forever, torments, weeping, wailing  and gnashing of teeth, where the worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched. Where tormented souls cry out, “Have mercy on me, for I am tormented in this flame”. 

Well,  if this is the reality of the surreal, then speculation has become a little bit more intensifying now.  Is this a choice, a educated decision you are willing to readily take?  Is it really worth the gamble to hold to your flawed pride and weak flesh? The possibility of an after life, close akin to the Bible’s description, glorious, or sheer and utter terror, pain, and hopelessness, darkness and blackness forever? Which for you?  How do you know for sure, this, the bibles description isn’t true?   Forget what you can prove,  you have yet to disprove God’s word you skeptics, and you have had 400 years now to do so.  Test it.  Go to it, study it.  Make sure you aren’t just being led by spirits of error from the men who taught you!

You read to many comics, you watch to much sci-fi.  You think you will be able to withstand the wrath of God, and somehow get off of the torment part because of your all around goodness.  It’s filthy rags without Christ blood. You will burn.  You must have his blood.  You must have the salvation that is in HIM!  There is no other way.  And if there is another way, then there is no one true God, and quite possibly, anything upon death could transpire, who knows right, who really knows.  

So why not be sure.  One thing you can be sure of is death.  It comes to all of us, and stops for none of us.

Don’t think about the zealots, the fanaticism and all the religionist that have destroyed  the name of Christianity, think about a book, and your soul! Don’t think about all the preachers that have fallen that makes it easy for you to cry “hypocrite!”. 

Again, what if the believers theory is true, and in all your hyperbole, all your grand speeches, all your scoffing, all your ridicule, every idle word you have uttered, all you delusional rantings, your $500,000 degree all burned up, all those who have been there for you or have supported you and held you up, and told you how smart you were, are all the sudden gone. Just you, and a creator!

What if it’s you, who missed out on the truly celestial question, in all your pomp and arrogance, that either you came from nothing, or from someone!  What if, in your denial and rejection of Christ, in your many years of grace on His beautiful Earth, of which time you could have read a book about HIM, and learned about such deep things found therein, but you scoffed at the messages of HIM, as crazy as many of them may sound to your deceived mind!  As nutzo as the fundamentalist Christian right IS, the word of God still stands, every word. 

What if, the gospel found in the word of God about the grace of God and salvation through the blood of Christ is the ONE way!  What if it is just that simple!  Think how late we arrived on the scene.  There were other civilizations before us, and you just scoff at the bible and assert hastily “It’s just written by man!”. 

When it is you and God, what then?  What will you do when there is no longer any HOPE of any way out of a fix, problem or bind.  Eternal consequences will illuminate on the soul!  

Have you ever simply read the book. Why not? Because the preacher, the Christians that misuse it, and misappropriate it? I’m talking about just you and the book.  Not to tell others that you read it.  Just you and the book, to search out life’s questions.  Not because they told you to, not because your Dad said to, or your preacher, priest reverend, prison guard, grandma, sister, brother,  or whoever told you to. 

Just you.  A simple interest to pick it up.  To explore it’s pages.  To simply let your fingers role through the glorious book. Finding interesting and frightening passages. Unrelenting in it’s history and prophecy of world events. Eloquent in it’s reading, authorized by a earthly King so men could have the heavenly authority in their hands.  

Yes great wars, genocides and atrocities have been done all in the name of “the word says” or “God said”, but those are men acting like men.  We are talking about you and a book. The God Denier. You know that book calls to you.  You know that book is special.  You know the parts you think are lies and you focus on to reject God and live a life of true selfishness and humanism, while rejecting the blatant fact that there is much more that is in your mind about what you know to be historically accurate about that good old family bible. You know it holds answers of which you would rather be ignorant to, so you discredit and contradict it, instead of facing the naked truth, “like a man beholding his natural face in a glass”.

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