Thursday, January 19, 2012

Reproving and Rebuking as it Relates to our Conduct in Ministry

This may shock some, but here goes, I believe not everyone you come in contact with must hear the word preached!  You gasp at this! Chalk it up how you like.  

I also believe in answering questions instead of parading biblical superiority.  I believe in “a door of utterance”, not knocking on 500 doors.  

I believe in the holy Spirit’s guidance and leading.  You just can’t understand how someone could say such a thing.  Many public ministries are simply effective only in doing something offending people.  
And they know it, and brag about it even and purposefully attempt to do it.  They think they are doing God a great service!  Our public ministry should be our examples in public, not something we do on Saturdays in front of the Gay bar!  

Public ministry is about planting and watering.  But today, it is loud angry men with bullhorns and enough scripture banners and signs to cause traffic impediment at busy intersections.
This is not effective fishing of men, or being ambassadors of Christ nor does it typify what we see from the practice of seed planting and bearing.  

We don’t preach at our plants, and fruits for not blossoming.  “Grow stupid plant”.  “Repent of your  stubbornness you filthy weed!”  We give them “nourishment”, water, sun light, time, care, patience, longsuffering, and tender care.
Don’t be ignorant of Satan’s devices. We preach against “time saving” technology but we use their same core production valued principles we preach against in public ministry. Our “Over Efficiency” in our evangelism has given way to irresponsible behavior with the word of God. 

“Behold, now is the day” does not indicate as to this day being your last, which is how we hold to it ourselves in public ministry.  A sinner can be saved any time.  That was Paul’s point.  Rarely anyone who quotes that phrase from Paul will pay attention to the very next verse which ironically has to do with not offending!  
I actually heard this verse used one time to prove why we should get in peoples business and faces.  They that forsake the law praise the wicked: but such as keep the law contend with them. Proverbs 28:4.  Thats great preacher!  You go on keeping that law if you like. 
Look, the only thing we are expressly really told to contend for is the faith (Jude 1:3).  But still, men must see contention in their ministries.  They feel if they are contentious, they are doing something right.  So inevitably it gets around to where they feel the incessant need to rebuke and reprove.  Preachers and all this talk of reproving; Reproofs of Instruction are the way of life, yes.  But lets get some bearing here.
Reproof by way of definition (1828) is blame.  Reproved, Blamed, withstood.  Peter was to be blamed.  Paul “withstood him to the face”.  He was still imposing law and would not correct his attitude about his brethren whom he differed with.  
We forget Proverbs 29:1. “He, that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy.”  
We use this in Baptist circles for backsliders mostly. “Often reproved” “hardeneth his neck”.    We go to these same places, to mass evangelize, piously proclaiming our disfigured faces.  We reprove these poor stupid sinners over and over.  Were mad at sin.  Were mad at the world.  We love the standards and the law.  Are we guilty of just hardening sinners necks?  Some men I know would take great pleasure in that. We need to quit trying to implement the millennial reign on this age among the heathen. 
Listen carefully crusading conquering preachers “Jesus Christ will reprove the world of sin righteousness and judgment” 
John 16:8
And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:
9 Of sin, because they believe not on me;
10 Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more;
11 Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged.
Isaiah 11:1
And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots:
2 And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD;
3 And shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of the LORD: and he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears:
4 But with righteousness shall he judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth: and he shall smite the earth: with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked.
Today, we are judging by sight, and we are SO not reproving with equity.  We sometimes hate the world and sin so much, we want this “judgment” to happen now.  We often act as the cruel messenger of this sort of reproof.  It does not match or align with any spiritual things. The same Christ who was on Earth will be all together different when he steps foot on this planet again.  
Proverbs 9:7
He that reproveth a scorner getteth to himself shame: and he that rebuketh a wicked man getteth himself a blot.
8 Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate thee: rebuke a wise man, and he will love thee.
9 Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be yet wiser: teach a just man, and he will increase in learning.
10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.
Why do we go to these functions and gatherings again as public ministers?  Is the great commission you harp about to rebuke the world and to stand against wickedness?  Where do you see this in scriptures?  These wicked people are congregating to themselves.  Doing wicked things.  They love the darkness (John 3).  They are scorners most of them already.  They are without wisdom for they have already rejected it. They are just going to hate you.  They don’t hear your words, they just hear your noises.  You are not winning souls, you are winning blots! They are wicked.  We must be careful.  
I’m just so tired of hearing the same old verses to defend the same old nonsense. You have become the ones that are handling the word of God deceitfully. Our rules for rebuking and reproof are clearly seen.  We cannot hold to a few verses of scripture for our excuse to revile and chide. It just seems to be such a insecurity with some men, such a easy target mentality, to deceitfully use the scriptures in this way.
I Timothy 5:20
Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear. 
This verse is used much to chide sinners in churches and streets.  But it is funny what the context is. This is among believers, a person in position of leadership (an elder).  A pastor uses this to dash people when it is talking almost expressly to him. It just doesn’t register with them. 
The leaders, preachers and teachers need to be held accountable.  Stop using this verse to defend your positions and to rebuke the Christian in the grocery store.  Stop using this to rebuke the heathen beach goers!  Stop misappropriating this verse to rail on the sodomites and the fornicators!  It is dealing with those in position of leadership.  It is dealing with you big boy! The elders and leaders!  The elders of our churches should be rebuked for wasting time constantly, and continually rebuking scorners! We never see the sin in that do we.  Paul talked of sin, that it might appear sin! 
II Timothy 4:2
Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine. 
This one is used by Fundamentalist preachers when ever their preaching is called into question. If some “compromiser” suggest they are out of balance or off kilter.  They just simply go back to this verse to appease their consciences.   They mention their calling and obligation to preach as if it is some “get out of jail free” card, or something that excuses their irrational and misguided behavior.
This is Paul telling Timothy to be ready to preach always. The same way Peter said to “be ready to answer”. This rebuke and reproof is with all longsuffering, and doctrine.  Longsuffering has to do with much patience and beyond provocation.  Bearing injuries and provocation for a long time!  Not easily provoked.  This is usually left off and ignored for the favored rebuke and reproof!
So when you rebuke and reprove, are you to that point, have you practiced longsuffering  and applied your doctrines you know!  Or do you ignore certain things for you, and apply them only on others? Or is it in the 1st 10 minutes of a street sermon you are already calling someone “godless heathens” and telling them they are going to a Devils Hell!”. You have already ascertained the spiritual condition, and destination, without even giving them 2 minutes of talking time! You great men of God that prey on weak, ignorant often inebriated goats (lost)!
Pastors, you park on this verse to control your sheep.  Simple as that.  I have heard and seen many of you do this.  Anytime you need to appease your conscience for skinning them, you go this verse to make you self feel better about your job as “the man of God”.  Men go to this verse only to say preach, reprove, and rebuke.  And they forget the rest. 
Sound doctrine will reprove incorrect and false doctrine.  Sound doctrine will expose heresy.  This is not reproving the world of their sins or the sodomites at the gay pride parades or the Mormons at their annual conventions! You can’t just go through the Bible like a hyper, and slice and dice and select any prtion you want without digesting the rest.  
This is not rebuking someone over a disagreement!  This is not using Facebook to get onto random women to make sure they are in a submissive roll to their men.  You men need to grow up and quit acting like children.  
Titus 1:13
This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith; 
Remember, even well intentioned men can misuse these verses, especially when they are quoted alone without their text.  This rebuke here is to keep those sound in the faith! Not to bring them to the Faith, or to drive them for decision to join the Faith.  It’s for edification and not destruction as the prophets may have brought down from heaven.  This is not the world or the wicked in it.  This rebuke in Titus was aimed at men who were subverting houses, teaching for filthy lucre’s sake.  
By all means rebuke.  Many of you men need to rebuke yourselves here for using subversion for gain.  Subverting, giving heed to fables, filthy lucre, liars, teaching things they ought not.  Teachings things that are not sound doctrine.  Rebuke yourself!    Again,  these verses are not the world.  
You have to strip it of it’s context to use it to preach to lost heathen, and backslidden church members.  This was for men subverting houses.  This was for preachers who were NOT sound in the faith.  So flip it right back on your holy rolling john brown hind parts!  It is talking to you pastors and elders!
Titus 2:15
These things speak, and exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no man despise thee.
This rebuke was in defense of what he previously wrote in Titus.  Go read it!  Verse 1 says, “But speak thou the things which become sound doctrine”.  Verse 8 says Sound speech that cannot be condemned; that he that is of the contrary part may be ashamed, having no evil thing to say of you. Sound speech! Blamelessness!  Without offence in the world!  
It’s funny how some of you go to these verses to “rebuke all”, but you ignore these mentions just verses before! How is this handling the word with integrety and honesty? You tell me.  Explain it to me like I am 7 and have half a brain!
It says, “speak those things, exhort, and rebuke with all authority.”  We have all authority.  That does not make us the authority! Rebuke can mean punish or chasten, or it can mean to check by reproof.  What we see is it always being used as punishment, or to get in their face, and boldly proclaim ourselves to be the authority.  This is in error. Designed by the spirit of error, which is contrary to the Spirit of truth.
I don’t see any reference to any “rebuking of the world” in the Pauline epistles do you? Jesus rebuked many things in his ministry on Earth, but this cannot alone be our example.  Oh I know you are foaming at the mouth over that one there but none the less, we are not to be Christ like in the sense of judging the world in righteousness. We shouldn’t bring railing accusation against anyone! We are to be “like Christ”, not imitating Christ.  We are to follow Paul.  Be ye followers of me, as I am of Christ.
What words are you preaching before the lost and your fellow members?  What strange doctrines are you applying?  What commands are YOU teaching?  Teaching for doctrine, the commandments of men.  Because we are Independent, Fundamental, hardcore Baptist, we think we are somehow excluded from the following verses? What do you do with this one?  You add to his word, and the Lord reprove thee!
Proverbs 30:5-6
5 Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him.
6 Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.
We know how to preach this.  Slam the bible correctors and the funny books right?  “Add thou not unto his words”This is any who change what God said into a lie.  God help us.  His words are pure, like James says about wisdom from above, is first pure.  When we add to it, it becomes, sensual, devilish, and not from above.  
False gospels, false doctrine, like saying “street preaching is mandated, faith promise is biblical, the great commission is mandated to the church, tithing is how the church operates, etc.  This is wisdom of the world and men and it is quite evident in our churches.  
Establishing friendly report with sinners is not forbidden.  Sitting down with a sinner, having coffee with a lesbian or sodomite, inviting a heathen to your home, etc.  None of you tough, hard preaching men would invite a sodomite to your home! It’s the fellowship with the worldly crowd that is expressly forbidden for Christians.  Joining together with the lost is forbidden.  Being yoked together.  In common purpose.  In philosophy, and ideal.  In fellowship.   In efforts or communion.  
We see a righteous man in Lot having his soul vexed by the day to day activities, in living among them.  Lot lived with the sodomites and dealt with them daily.  That is what vexed him.  We travel their websites to find out their next big gatherings to bash them!? Why do we want to continually go to their functions and get-togethers anyways?  Because they just have to hear right?  And your the one that is called to tell them they are wicked right?
You think Paul and the rude crude disciples didn’t know where the dives were in their day.  You think they didn’t know where the brothels and common used places of criminal activity were. When they preached in the open air people were congregating to hear what these disciples and apostles of the Lord had to say.  
The congregations in the Old Testament in large part were not given a choice whether or not to be in the congregation of the Lord.  I am beginning to question some intents here.  Why many of us, IFB Preachers, are so attracted to these kinds of functions and conflicts?  Why has these events become some mens callings?  And why do churches support these vain sons of thunder?  What a joke it has all become.  What a parade and sham.  
They claim to have biblical grounds for all they do.  Inciting riots, then filming it like the Christian paparazzi or something we see straight out of reality television.  “Oh, Christ turned over tables, and incited riots”.  So this is our example?  Wrong again men!
He also excorzised demons, fed 5,000, exercised restraint, and had compassion.  He drink of the cup of wrath.  He took the reproach and the accusations and reviled not.  Your excuse won’t hold water using that same logic.  You boast “God just told us to preach, and he will work.”  You are not preaching any gospel.  You are mixing preaching with OT theology  and your own lust for confrontation and your own love for the “old paths”.  Preaching for us today is giving a distinct, clear message.  The Gospel!  Imagine a doctor with a bedside manner like yours.  
I have listened to some of you for 30 solid minutes, sometimes in complete and utter shock, preach many things, quote many verses, and even say the word gospel maybe 4 times.  Never a mention of the blood, the sacrificial lamb of God, the cross, the preaching of the cross, the law and grace, the sinfulness of man.  You guys focus on so many specifics that no one ever hears the specific!  Just repent, turn from wickedness, quit your fornicating, quit your smoking, go to church, don’t go to the movie house, stop buying fancy cars, Elvis is in Hell, and every other nonsensical thing you can think of. 
Go ye into all the world right?  Why don’t you go to the homeless if you want souls, and captive audiences. Go to a Rescue mission if you have such a passion.  This is usually when you just run back to your calling and unction from God. You hide behind that call, foolish foolish men.  
Go down to these parks with sandwiches and drinks, and stand on a milk-crate if you want to preach the gospel in the open air!  You will never do it.  They need him just as much as the sinners at the cult conventions, the races, the football games, the baseball games, Spring Break, Gay Rallys, etc.  They need him just as much, if not more than the Super Bowl crowd.  They need the glorious gospel of Christ as much as the perverted sodomites!  These bums, they’ll listen. These people with real afflictions in hospitals, they will listen.  They’ll sit down with you.  
These people at these worldly events, that you preach against are there for one reason.  To eat, drink, and be merry.  To commune with like minded people for different and various reasons.  Worldly reasons.  What seeds are we busy about planting?  Why would you plant seeds in stoney grounds, among thorns and thistles?  
You may get fruit, but Satan will come and take away the word.  You could be rooting up the fallow ground, removing other seeds in the process that other sincere Christians have planted, with your clamorous, froward, and riotous actions. Why do we never acknowledge this?
The streets in front of bars, festivals and sporting events are not conducive to winning souls to Christ.  Not to say it can’t happen and you will not see fruit.  But they are more conducive to confrontation, civil authority being called for you, wasting their time, our tax dollars to deal with you and your band preaching in the flesh.  
Any person you could come in contact with could be intoxicated, under the influence of drugs or both.  They lack understanding.  Their eyes are darkened twice over.  Some may be 3 sheets to the wind! You get ignorant Christians at these events who are joining the world in excess and rioting, being unequally yoked, obviously deceived in their fellowship, and you trash them, and show how stupid they are for your own righteous and vain glory. 
They are drunk you moron!  You ignorant imbeciles!  I’m not calling you foolish names either.  These names actually mean something.  Look em up.  I’m not calling you fool because Paul or Christ did.  I am calling you fools because you define the word perfectly. Websters 1828 states; 
Fool~In common language, a person who is somewhat deficient in intellect, but not an idiot; or a person who acts absurdly; one who does not exercise his reason; one who pursues a course contrary to the dictates of wisdom.  
You move a man to emotion, and tears, and “worldly repentance”.  They may not even remember anything the next morning.  What are you thinking?  Dealing with a sinner about his eternal soul, while he is three sheets to the wind.  You should be ashamed of yourself street preachers if your manners are as this!  
Your pride of life and desire to be known for something is severely and irreparably damaging souls, eternal souls who will spend an eternity in one place or the other.    And you think your words have no bearing on this.  You talk about the blood being off your hands because you told them they were going to Hell.  You are so deceived!  You just cut them more, and caused more damage.  Shame on us for letting it get here!  Shame on you continuing on and refusing to grow up!

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