Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Genocidal Maniacs or God Called Men

Much of our talk of callings here and there is nothing more then men using God and his Book as their authority and justifications for whatever kind of orthodoxy they invent in their own minds! But sufficed to say, and without going into a full blown expose on Fundamentalism in the 19th and 20th centuries, a lot of our talk and terms are just that, talk, and terms! 

We have mixed some mysticism with all the talk of a “call of God” and have made ministries out of the blue, by distorting passages.  There is a constant barrage of pressure among Fundamentalist and Baptist circles to “be called” to something!  It’s why we create all these diverse ministries, people have to have a calling or a position to fulfill.  And they have to be fully supported as well in their endeavors, to funnel and propagate the working systems. So men just keep inventing new tactics and ways to get that support.  Hence, things like faith promise and other gimmicks.

Who needs faith anyways?  We have Bible Colleges, Bible Institutes, and Bible schools pumping out 1000 young 20-somethings every year, running everything like a business, or a corporate engine, perpetuating the machine as their teachers taught them.

Let me ask you this; concerning our calls of God that we claim, how are we different from some North African Jungle warlord who claims he had directive from God to commit his genocide?  How are we different from some Cameroon warlord who thinks God told him to perform ethnic cleansings?

Thursday, December 6, 2012

"Established in the Faith"

There is only one place in the entire word of God where people are said to be “established in the faith”!  It is found in Acts 16. After the councel in Acts 15 at Jerusalem, where the decrees were carried to all the churches.

Jews or Gentiles are not considered established in the faith until Acts 16. In Phillipians 4:15, Paul refers to his leaving Macedonia, which correlates historically with Acts 16, and this is referenced to being “as the beginning of the gospel.”  

This is not the beginning of the body of Christ, but the beginning of the gospel, Paul’s gospel, the gospel of grace!  Here, it was established.  It is where it began to be accepted by all the churches, after it was decreed and delivered by Paul!

Now ye Philippians know also, that in the beginning of the gospel, when I departed from Macedonia, no church communicated with me as concerning giving and receiving, but ye only.

The gospel of grace was set into motion, so to speak, in Acts 15 with Peter before the councel in Jerusalem.  He declared that mans salvation was by grace through faith.  The decrees were delivered of the elders to the churches, and the gospel of the grace of God was finalized and began in Acts 16.  They were established in the faith in Acts 16!  I make this point to say that the gospel was NOT established in the great commission passages and early Acts.  

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Free will, Seed Planting and Fruit Bearing

I Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. No on is predestinated.  One has to choose.  Free will has always been the kicker.  Men choose NOT to believe in God of their own free will.  You know why multitudes of grown men and women aren’t coming to Christ like they were in the Reformation and Great Awakenings?  They don’t want Him!  That was then, and this is now. 

You know why they are not coming to God on the street corners, in bus ministries, huge evangelistic meetings, Gospel Blitzes, at the football games, gay pride parades?  They don’t want Him! They want lucre.  They want sin.  They want pleasure.  They want gratification.  They want drunkenness.  They want drug binges.  They want carnal desires

The religious don’t want him either.  They want buildings and temples.  They want salaries.  They want their own lives.  They want education. They want man made ministries.   They want systems.  They want status.  They want position.  They want religion.  They want a form of godliness.  But they don’t want Him!  I heard a wise man say once, Men are seeking fulfillment at every source but the direct source.

Our Lord said, Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. Matthew 7:14 Many times in our ways of doing the public ministry all we really do, if truth were told, is find a sinner who is at his wits in, tired of drugs alcohol, and the affairs of this life. All these names and phrase we have for things we do! I.e. soul winning, gospel blitzes, passing out tracts, street preaching, door to door visitation.  We are all reforming!

God didn’t draw them, nor did they seek him, they repented after worldly sorrow.  Maybe they wanted to simply change their ways.  Maybe they had a horrible day at work and took it as a sign! Maybe they wanted a change of luck.  I have witnessed some that just wanted the preacher to shut up and leave!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Skilled Swordsman or Drunken Lumberjack?

The WHOLE Armour of God.  All the items in Ephesians 6 are for our complete armour, not just selective armour.  Not just the sword of the spirit alone, no matter how much some preachers love to draw blood with it, but ask your self a real question sir!  Are you combat proficient or a blood-letting psychotic killer?

We are told to take the whole armour.  Not just a sword.  The spirit is associated with the sword, “salvation” is associated with the helmet.  Our minds and our heads must be protected.  It takes our minds to win the hearts of a lost destitute soul.  Without a sound mind one cannot have sound doctrine.  If a man does not understand salvation he cannot be saved, nor lead others to salvation.

We often forget about the shield.  Funny how we are told to take this above all isn’t!  Our faith, surely, will be tested in this life as a Christian. The world and the devil have been at it for a long time.  Long before any of us showed up.  We are in the most corrupted age, well beyond Genesis 6 in my view!  The only reason we aren’t drowned again is because God promised he wouldn’t do it!  Fiery darts of the wicked stick into things.  We need that shield.

Arrows go into our shields, mingle with our reason, cloud our faith.  Our faith is our protection.  What we can’t see with our eyes is our power.  Our shield of faith is to quench not to deflect.  We are to stand, having done all to stand. It needs to be mentioned here as well, that the sword of the spirit is the only offensive element.  One offensive item listed in six.  Loins girt about with truth; the Breastplate of Righteousness; our Feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; the Shield of Faith; the Helmet of Salvation; and the Sword of the spirit.

Our feet need to be preaching the gospel of peace.  How can we give peace to others, by going for the execution stroke at first contact?  The fatal blow to the neck with our big 66lbs broadsword.  Our authority and our training in the book can be our downfall through pride and arrogance.  With all this in mind, let me talk to you bold Bible Believing preachers out there.

We are to use the word of God carefully.  Not “handling the word deceitfully”.  Approaching sinners with the truth and not pride.  This should be our manner. We are ambassadors to the world.  We should be well versed in how we conduct ourselves in every facet of life. The servant of the Lord must not strive.  It carries with all men.   Especially so; if one is going to attempt to “suit up”, play the part, and preach the gospel to the masses at the town square.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

"What do have you against modern missions brother!?"

I was mission minded once.  I guess it is all up to definition of terms.  It all seems like a big machine now.  Good men are trapped in it.  They know it.  But who cares at this late hour in the game? It’s all about a having a good testimony now among the brethren.  Who cares if the games has changed? Right?

Missions in general has many flawed aspects to it from the modern perspective.  But one of the most flawed position in modern missionaries and fundamentalism is where men feel they have to have some similitude to men of other centuries.  Many do what they do today in missions because of “ol’ timers” like Hudson and Carey all though they aren’t actually doing anything like them.  It makes them feel justifiable in their own orthodoxy.   The world was largely different then it is today.  Many of these men did nothing like we do today.  I mean in some cases, not one single thing! And don’t give me your typical retort back saying “God is the same today yesterday and forever!”

The way God moved with men in the time of the 1700-1920’s was not so much a testament to the men, but to the movement of the Holy Spirt of God with the world! Those men were still men and we do not follow their examples or creeds.  We have our own authority. We have a book as they did, and many of those forefathers of flesh we love to revel in so much were off the on areas the same way we can be off on areas.

I am fully aware that Christian missions and missionaries for nearly 200 years have been the most redemptive force on the face of the earth.  But our overall attitude of going abroad, to far away lands often times has become a Westernized, over saturating, reforming, Kingdom building movement. Not a movement for the expressed purpose of winning souls to Christ and emphasizing growth for converts.  In this movement, our own American traditions travel with us to these far away lands, making real conversion much harder to convey to indigenous people.  

Thursday, August 23, 2012

An Inordinate Affection of Preachers

Many of you Fundamentalists, if you saw a man in America today walking down the street dressed like these men you see here, you would assume they were effeminate based on the conservative standards many of you have  had drilled into your heads.  I mean, their knees are showing, the back of their calves are exposed, the thigh is exposed, "Oh my!" How could one dress so indecently?  Now, remember this sort of introductory paragraph here; we will return to it. 

Your inordinate affections need to be mortified. Many of you men are not preaching and teaching God’s word for the edifying of anyone at all.  You are just preaching on the sins of the world to the world.  You guys need to get off your ego-filled tirades! Seriously and for the love of God, man! Stop with your typical five-verse-automated responses that you have ready for every dissenter of YOU.

Colossians 3:1-17 If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.
2 Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.
3 For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.
4 When Christ, [who is] our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.
5 Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence and covetousness, which is idolatry:

The dross needs to be removed from you preachers that think you have certain justifications with the Book that you attempt to pander.   Come down off your high horse and sit with your people for a little but. Try to understand  how even you pastors and preachers have deviated from order.  You men have developed a “permanent bent of mind” towards certain topics so much so that you fixate on them to the detriment of your people. 

Saturday, May 19, 2012


Regarding tithes and offerings, some common sense, factual observations.  The words tithe or tithes is only found in the OT and in Matthew, Luke and Hebrews in the NT.   In these passages where it is mentioned, there is no association with the “body of Christ”.  Giving to the “body” was all together different.

The word “Collection” is mentioned three times in the Word of God.  It was mentioned twice in the OT referencing the “the work of the service of the house of the LORD”, which was the temple in the wilderness.  The other time, the lone NT reference, is in 1 Corinthians 16:1 where Paul had previously asked the churches to take up a specific collection upon his arrival so there would be no offerings when he was there.  

He then took this “collection” to the poor saints in Jerusalem.  This collection is not specifically money, but it was a specific offering.  Nowhere in the text does it indicate this is a weekly practice or Pauline tradition to be followed.

The words “treasury” or “treasurer” is only found in the OT or the four gospels.  The word “Storehouse” is only found in Malachi and Luke.  The church is not the storehouse, and the church does not have a treasury.  These were temple structures or rooms within the temple court. 

“Offerings” are mentioned in abundance in the OT, but only five times in the NT, with three of these times referring to burnt offerings.  Offerings in the OT are always exclusively  agricultural.  Of the 265 times “offering” or “offerings” are mentioned, only two incidences, Luke 21 and Acts 24, can be referenced to something monetary.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Called of God?

It is vital in the scriptures when God speaks. A few rare phrases carry tremendous implications.  It is no doubt that God spoke to mankind at times in mans history. But did this continue or not?  We of course know that God spoke when he was on Earth, manifest in the flesh as our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.  But when phrases like, “the Lord said unto” or the “the LORD said unto”, show up, it is a major incident!

I choose to delve into this topic because of all the mindless claims to speak for God. There is so much loose talk of “God told me to…” or “god called me” or “God is leading me to tell you…” and so on, that it has become a critical juncture now in separating fact from fiction in a persons mind as to what is really happening in their world.

It’s just interesting how men hang around in certain areas and use certain terminology when in actuality, they are not strong at all in the scriptures. Things like dedicate, dedications, offerings, burdened, burdens, God’s call, the call of Christ, God spoke to me, God lead me, God said unto me, the hand of God is upon him, and many more. Some even are not even biblical phrases at all! We hear these things chimed continuously.  They were so rarely used in the word of God, yet we use them repeatedly and pretentiously.

Just a few things to start, to show how often some oft “used” statements we repeat are actually very rare statements in God’s word.  The phrase “the Lord led me” shows up one time in Genesis 24.  “Called of God” shows up one time in Hebrews 5:4.  There is much talk of being “burdened for the Lord”, or “God gave me a burden”.  The word “burdened” appears only 2 times in 2 Chronicles 5:4 and 8:13.  Read them for what they are.

The word “burden” appears many times in scriptures, but is in no way an association of a “call of God” to the “ministry” like we man has been spinning it the last 150 years.  The phrase “God said” shows up 46 times, all OT accept for a reference in Luke.  The phrase, “God spake” shows up 13 times. Which included talks with Noah, Moses, Joshua, Abraham, Isaac. 

Sunday, April 15, 2012

"Behold, thy King Cometh"

And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.

One day, men will bow.  It's as simple as that.  All men.  Great, small, rich, poor, moral, the perverse, the educated, the dimwitted, etc.  One day.  There will be a King before you.  A physical King, and you will hit the dirt.

He will be a Jew of Israel, a physical man, that you will once and for all be able to see.  He will be of the lineage of David!  His city will be Jerusalem, no matter who resides there now. He will rule the world in righteousness...and holiness. He is God's son, his name is Jesus Christ.  The risen Lord.  You cuss his name, but don't believe his name.  One day, you will.  

It’s always changing people! The world, the teachings of man, the theories of evolution.  The thoughts as to how we got here, and what not.  The only problem is, there is no consistency, fluidity, or binding evidence. All of mans equations and scientific calculations of a rock bloats their minds with knowledge they know nothing about, the existence  and dating of planet Earth.  

Evolution is taught as theory, and usually comes wrapped with atheism and intellectual, phycological pondering that have developed from the core stubbornness of man who wants no authority over him. Men may say, "Well, if you don't serve God you serve the Devil".  Maybe?  I think men just serve themselves mostly.  Human nature and all.

We listen to these educators that make 6 figures like they are the very voice of God. We always give them the benefit of the doubt don’t we? Which requires just as much faith, if not more. Why can't you give God the benefit of the doubt? You weren’t there when the supposed big bang happened. How is it different that you weren’t there at the time of creation? The great proclaimers of this fanatical religion of evolution will go through great lengths to disagree with creation, and surprisingly each other. 

Friday, March 30, 2012

The Manner of Paul, his Gospel and his Preaching

Acts 28:25:31 And when they agreed not among themselves, they departed, after that Paul had spoken one word, Well spake the Holy Ghost by Esaias the prophet unto our fathers,
26 Saying, Go unto this people, and say, Hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and not perceive:
27 For the heart of this people is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes have they closed; lest they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.
28 Be it known therefore unto you, that the salvation of God is sent unto the Gentiles, and that they will hear it.
29 And when he had said these words, the Jews departed, and had great reasoning among themselves.
30 And Paul dwelt two whole years in his own hired house, and received all that came in unto him, (Paul being an ambassador, inviting and receiving people into his home, preaching those things which concern Jesus Christ.)
31 Preaching the kingdom of God, and teaching those things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ, with all confidence, no man forbidding him.
Much has been said about Paul the Apostle. Paul has been pigeonholed by many.  Made to something he wasn’t.  We must make sure our assumptions of Paul are accurate and biblical.  Paul is so important to the body of Christ, as far as his example, and his letters.  “Be ye followers of me as I am of Christ”.  Paul didn’t say this to tell us to imitate what we see in Christ.  We are a peculiar people, yes.  Paul, and the Apostleship was a spectacle in his ministry (I Corinthians 4:9) not us.  
He followed Christ, but never imitated Christ.  He believed the prophets concerning Christ but never imitated them.  Paul was brash and hard in his own way, but you do not see unnecessary disrespect, or judgmental condescending as men claim to find in Paul.  Men do not realize, that Paul’s manner is directly contrary to this spirit we see today among many Fundamentalist of the baser sort.  Men think this way of Paul to have reason and excuse to be vitriolic and angry preachers.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Dumb Ass Speaking

Every time I see a news story like the one I saw the other day, “Street Preacher Arrested”, I think to myself, “Another “dumb ass” was arrested!”  Another street preacher gets arrested so he can proclaim how bad America is.  Another man that felt called to tell some their sins got arrested.  

And many of you care now more about the fact that I said the words dumb ass then you care about the emulations, frowardness and great reproach coming from these lunatic, fringe street preachers!  Do we preach to incite?  Do we peddle conflict?

Men are not being arrested for preaching Christ, but for being a undiscerning, forceful, intrusive, delusional martyr-complex-holding mad men!  Another preacher denied rights to others while exercising his right to preach!  Another glory hound sought an occasion of the flesh, to fulfill his fleshly desires of notoriety and fame.  

Another idiot saw a group of people and made them his God called congregation!  Another dolt ambushes a captive audience.  Another street preaching jackboot thug bushwhacks the public!   

I really wish, I mean I really wish my conscience would allow me to place 2 Peter 2 at your feet street preachers when it comes to this topic.  I mean, you guys place crazy verses at the feet of common people all the time stripped of their context, so you can take a little of what you dish out!  You men are in BAD company if you are finding your actions in line with 2 Peter 2, but you seem to fit the bill to the “nth” degree. 

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Protesting the World or Proclaiming the Savior?

The image selected is that of a young Bob Grey.  Like many Fundamentalist then and now, they have people in the world they attack and preach against.  For him it was Elvis.  For many preachers today, it is all sorts of nonsense that tends to nothing but laboring in vain and wasteful ministries.  Yeah I said it!  What? 
In the sense of public ministry, us servants of the Lord, are we (watch as I wax homiletical) Protesting Sin, Provoking Sinners, Promoting Wrath or Proclaiming the Savior?  There seems to have been this recent rash of confrontational sensationalism among our ranks.  Whether it is in the pulpits, pushing for decision by any means necessary, or it is on the streets, ranting and raving about all sorts of sins and unrighteousness.  We are out of the way, thinking we are promoting the way.  Who's world do you think this is?  
Some years ago I remember quite distinctly, Christians, Protestants, Catholics, and even a state power, the Vatican, all came together as one protesting "Brokeback Mountain" at the theaters worldwide. Many across the nation in protest of this film could be seen holding up signs with negative “sodomite sayings” and the typical, verses of scriptures to lay at the feet of any unrighteous believer.  We have our ammo ready all the time.
As I watched it play out, I observed many men attempting to inaudibly speak through a megaphone over the noise of 100 cars driving by with their windows up.  In my view, this would only attract more attention to the spectacle!  But what do I know right?

Friday, February 24, 2012

Good Works and Working for God

I selected this image with careful consideration to deal with something head on in our ranks which is elitism and  hypocrisy in our leaders (and I know you hard-core, militant uncompromising preachers will get ruffled seeing a bare breast, or a nipple slip, at least you will have something to preach about Sunday!) There  is a  predominantly fixed mindset and problem which we will get to, that has run through the local churches  like a rash over the last 2o years.  You protest so much and take such offense, and yet when someone tells you that you and your cronies have been sucking off the same protestant, Fundamentalist teat for decades, it just doesn't register.

It's like a preacher I knew took his shoe off one Sunday moring and chunked it across the room on the wall where it left a scuff.  No one knew what to do!  Did he loose his mind? He was making a point and said, "Now some of you care more about the fact that I scoffed the wall, which I meant to do, then the fact that..." and then he proceeded in his point.  A great illustration!  

This woman in the image is doing a great work for God! Much like Tabitha in Acts 9. Tabitha was full of good works, alms deeds, She used her talents and gifts while SHE was with them.  She made coats and garments, while she was with them.  She used her members.  The body of Christ was established on this in Acts.  Simply gifts and talents being used to minister to others.  She didn't stand out.  Most likely poor to boot. Simply doing what she could.  This is a work of God.  That was a ministry.  That was her calling so to speak.  

We are Christians not because we say we are or go to this church or that church.  People in the NT were called Christians because they shone forth fruits of righteousness associated with Christ. He desires us to have his fruits of righteousness, as in the holy spirit actually bearing those fruit in us, so that we can have fruit unto God and unto perfection.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Judging a Unrighteous Judgment

You may have seen some street preaching men with signs that say;

REPENT, Fornicators, Homosexuals, Liars, Thieves, Masturbators, Obama Voters, Buddhist, Dirty Dancers, Hindus, Gangster Rappers, Muslims, Drunkards, Feminists, Immodest Women, Democrats, Liberals, Evolutionists, Atheist, Potheads, Sodomites,
I think they about covered everyone! Needless to say, it is evident our public ministries are not bringing in the public! Now, in regards to the above sign, Hell only awaits those who have rejected Jesus Christ and his blood atonement!  
People read these few “lists” in the Bible of groups of people that aren’t allowed in the Kingdom of Heaven without realizing that NO sin will pass over that eternal veil.  It’s why we must be born again.  That’s what this and other passages are simply saying.  Heaven is a Holy place with a Holy God.  Sin will not enter in because we will have glorified bodies, like Christ, when we reside in glory.  Dolts!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Addicted to the Ministry (Not what you think)

An addict in anything is a unusual study that reveals plain truth.  Many times, they will not change even facing their own mortal death.  Christians can have many of the same traits as a drug addict does when stuck in traditions of men. Men and women can be addicted to the ministry, but not a bible way.  They won’t leave positions, or change anything from the status quo.
I Corinthians 16:13-18~Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong.
14 Let all your things be done with charity.
15 I beseech you, brethren, (ye know the house of Stephanas, that it is the firstfruits of Achaia, and that they have addicted themselves to the ministry of the saints,)
16 That ye submit yourselves unto such, and to every one that helpeth with us, and laboureth.
17 I am glad of the coming of Stephanas and Fortunatus and Achaicus: for that which was lacking on your part they have supplied.
18 For they have refreshed my spirit and yours: therefore acknowledge ye them that are such.
We often hear this phrase, “addicted to the ministry” applied to the joys of the ministry.  And how the men in the ministry  love it.  I can’t even tell you how many times I have heard this sentiment.  Men boast of this.  This should be alarming. They have to talk about how hard it is to so that we don't see through the game!  
"They addicted themselves to the ministry!"  This has been  roared from the pulpit many times by the preachers in our churches. They rarely reference the text or companion passages, and they rarely finish the verse which states  that they “Addicted themselves to the ministry of the saints.”  

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Fade to Black ~ Part 5

Evolution is just another form of intellectually masked, pagan worship, and it exist only to deny the one, true, Creator of all, God the father.  Pagan worship has evolved over thousands of years in to a more modern sophisticated form of teaching.  Whether it is a NASA scientist or a Harvard Evolutionary professor, the religion they preach is what pays their bills.  They will never leave it, and will defend it harshly, and quite thoroughly.  

Back to our original point in all this, it is why Geocentricty is the world view of the solar system.  It perpetuates the educational conundrums of our day.  Look at the state of our nation since the inception of Higher learning. Sixty plus years without prayer or God,  now we follow other nations instead of lead.

Clarence Larkin - “For a long time it was supposed that the Sun of our solar system was  stationary, and that the planets and comets circled around it.  But now we know that it is NOT stationary, but it (the sun) is circling, with all the members of our Solar system around some central point in the universe”

“He left not himself without witness”

It is understood that the predominant view is geocentricty, however I believe in heliocentricity, because it seems to be the position the bible takes. The following verses emphatically indicate that the Sun is indeed moving as stars do, and the Earth is a footstool, immovable, and fixed in it’s location.  

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Traditions to Hold Fast

God gave the gospel that “we believe” to Paul.  Prior to Paul, it was a mystery.  The disciples didn’t get it either.  Peter certainly didn’t get it.  God had to go to a lost man, a religious man, a pharisee, a traditionalist, a zealot, and reveal himself to this religious  sign-seeking Jew, through a sign and wonder, a Jew, and convert him, by belief and faith alone in the risen messiah.
Any character you want to pick in the entire word of God, no other had such a unique  revelation or knowledge of this mystery.  It is for this risen alone, that our gospel messages, and preaching align with Paul’s sound doctrine on the matter.  If we therefore preach anything contrary to this mystery, the gospel of the grace of God, we will be found wanting, reproachable, blameable, and an offence to him, and the world. 
If you men dabble in the law, you are left wanting, you play in the prophets; If you are following the spirit of the prophets you are in open rebellion of God’s word, and the wholesome words of the Lord; If you flirt with the message of John the Baptist, you are following the spirit of error;  If you try to mesh the gospels and Paul’s distinct gospel of grace, you are carried about by another wind of doctrine; If you mistakenly assert some “repentant of all your sins” mentality into a gospel, you are preaching another gospel and are led away by the error of the wicked!

The Intended Effects of the Fruits of the Spirit

What is the purpose of passing out a tract?  What is the purpose of witnessing or testifying for Christ?  Why do preachers preach?  Why do believers tell others of their salvation?  
I hear preachers commonly say “Contend with them!” referencing sinners for salvation.  Contend with the unbelievers int he streets, they say! Contending was never a reference to any saved person dealing with the lost!   
Jude 1:3 Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. 
Ephesians 2:12 That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world:
Titus 1:4 To Titus, mine own son after the common faith: Grace, mercy, and peace, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour.
This is a striking verse.  The term, “the faith” is only found in the New Testament beginning in Acts 3. “The faith” was no longer being preached.  It was delivered to “the saints” which is a OT and NT reference.  God’s collective bodies, the saints and the body  of Christ, are all considered saints now.
Jude said the “common salvation”.  “The faith was reference many times to mean the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.  The faith IN Christ! To contend for the faith is to contend for the common salvation!  
Men were making it uncommon.  Men were apostatizing already.  Men were getting into unorthodoxy. Men were making things religious.  Preaching other gospels (Galatians 1)  Men were going back in to the Temple, men were keeping the law and the oblations.  Men were rejecting any gospel of grace.  Men were keeping to the old paths so to speak.  To do this was rejecting Jesus Christ.  To hold to the Law was to reject his payment for sins!  It was denying the Lord that bought them!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The “Abominable” Sodomite versus the “Froward” Preacher

We don’t believe this as a whole in the Bible believing society, or the Fundamental society for that matter, but a person can be saved, and never see much growth.  Their works will most likely go the reprobate route.  Disobedient and abominable.  A sinner can get saved and still do any wicked imagination of the heart.  This foundation must be understood, or you might as well not continue reading.
A saved, washed in the blood sinner, has a standing with God and a state in this world, and they are two different positions.
Does salvation bring good works?  No!  Salvation brings a new man.  There is MUCH scriptural support for this.  Salvation does not spiritually cut away our sins from our flesh.  We are still in our sins until our death or resurrection.   After salvation, yielding to God’s word and his spirit is what gives good works?  If a man or woman does not submit themselves to the spirit and the book,  they will never grow in grace.  
If sinners after salvation do not grow, it usually consist of lack of discipleship, lack of seeking God’s truth in the book, and other Christians making the mark of service so far attainable to the new Christian’s tender mind.  Some sinners don’t give up certain sins for years.  Some do.  Much like Jesus showed us in the parable of the sower.  As us Fundamentalist are wholeheartedly focused on fruit bearing, why do we not remember such a illustration from our Lord on seed bearing.

Matthew 13:18-23~Hear ye therefore the parable of the sower. 
19 When any one heareth the word of the kingdom, and understandeth it not, then cometh the wicked one, and catcheth away that which was sown in his heart. This is he which received seed by the way side.  
20 But he that received the seed into stony places, the same is he that heareth the word, and anon with joy receiveth it;  
21 Yet hath he not root in himself, but dureth for a while: for when tribulation or persecution ariseth because of the word, by and by he is offended.  
22 He also that received seed among the thorns is he that heareth the word; and the care of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, choke the word, and he becometh unfruitful. 
23 But he that received seed into the good ground is he that heareth the word, and understandeth it; which also beareth fruit, and bringeth forth, some an hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty. 

Saturday, January 28, 2012

The "Old Paths" for New Testament Christians?

"Ask for the old paths!"  Stop it already!!!  I realize I'm stepping on toes here, but I have thought about this for years.  Let me come right out of the gate and just say, the "old paths", whatever they are, whatever you may define them to be, whatever men in history  you may associate with it, they are not for us.  Why do men yell about the old paths so much? Men talk of the old paths, the same way men harp on the old time religion, and the ol' timers.  Some talk about how it used to be 100 years ago, as if they have some real inkling other then grand stories and romanticized nonsense.  Some focus the idea more on scriptural implications.  This ideology is so big in the Fundamentalist, hardcore, militant Independent Baptist ranks today. The glorious Old paths!  Old paths ministries, Old Paths Baptist church,  "We walk the old paths here!"  What does it all mean?

Jeremiah 6:16 says Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where [is] the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk [therein].  This is the only time it shows up in the Bible.  It's amazing how men will focus so much on what God focused so little on isn't it. "We should ask for the old paths... " is inevitably followed by what the preacher says he thinks the "old paths" are!  And it usually has the ring of all the things the preacher stands for.  And if it is a pastoral authority control freak preacher, you already have a monster on your hands.

I used to prescribe to this notion myself when i was a Fundamentalist successionist.  The old paths!  It was a neat idea.  Many preachers love that Jeremiah 6:16 is in the Bible.  It is a good springboard for rabbit trails and hobby horses.  People?  Why are we messing around in law and prophets so much?  Why are we wanting to allude to some mystical old paths, some mystical realm that only exist in the preachers minds.  Whether you preachers keep trying to get your young preacher boys to be like Hudson Taylor, George Whitfield, Sam Jones, or Lester Roloff, or you are using the prophets as good examples of public ministry, you guys need to understand what age you are in TODAY!  You are using his word too loosely.  You are no longer teaching our young men to be individuals with a book.  But you  are pushing them to follow traditions of men, claim the same callings of men, follow the same commissions of men and to practice preaching styles that are not fitted for NT men.