And many of you care now more about the fact that I said the words dumb ass then you care about the emulations, frowardness and great reproach coming from these lunatic, fringe street preachers! Do we preach to incite? Do we peddle conflict?
Men are not being arrested for preaching Christ, but for being a undiscerning, forceful, intrusive, delusional martyr-complex-holding mad men! Another preacher denied rights to others while exercising his right to preach! Another glory hound sought an occasion of the flesh, to fulfill his fleshly desires of notoriety and fame.
Another idiot saw a group of people and made them his God called congregation! Another dolt ambushes a captive audience. Another street preaching jackboot thug bushwhacks the public!
I really wish, I mean I really wish my conscience would allow me to place 2 Peter 2 at your feet street preachers when it comes to this topic. I mean, you guys place crazy verses at the feet of common people all the time stripped of their context, so you can take a little of what you dish out! You men are in BAD company if you are finding your actions in line with 2 Peter 2, but you seem to fit the bill to the “nth” degree.
I will try to maintain the integrity of God’s Holy Book, so I must admit the context of 2 Peter 2 appears to be fallen angels or things along those lines, some deep doctrine (Jude would be the companion passage for this) . But if we could apply some of these verses to ourselves here as preachers of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, many of you would be found wanting!
Indulge me for a moment as I wax Fundamental, and privately interpret the scriptures as my fathers before me who taught me so well! The only place in God’s word where the phrase “dumb ass” appears is in 2 Peter 2.
And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of...through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness, and despise government. Presumptuous [are they], selfwilled, they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities...Whereas angels, which are greater in power and might, bring not railing accusation against them before the Lord...But these, as natural brute beasts...speak evil of the things that they understand not; But was rebuked for his iniquity: the dumb ass speaking...wells without water, clouds that are carried with a tempest; For when they speak great swelling [words] of vanity, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, [through much] wantonness, While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage.
I mean good night! Can I help it that every time I read through some of these passages like this I think about you guys and the great damage you are doing. You men are pernicious; you have the quality to destroy and to injure!
Your words and actions contradict the way of truth, and it becomes evil spoken of, reproached! Your manners contradict belief in the truth. Your lust for your rights as you despise government and civil authority only shows your self will in that you are not afraid to speak evil if dignities. Angels don’t even rail against those!
But you men in your righteous holiness do? You men are brute in manner! Websters says of brute; being brutish; Senseless; unconscious; unfeeling; carnal: ignorant; uncivilized, untaught, irrational, rough, insensible, destitute of reason, a brutal person, savage in heart OR MANNERS. Some of you street preachers are just dumb asses speaking with great swelling words of vanity while you promise people liberty as you serve corruption (your flesh) yourselves!
They manufacture their ministry and conflict; You know that, right? It's the game! The gambit that they play. They are ministry makers in that they make the conflict to have their occasions to minister. They play checkers with the world and civil authority when we should be playing chess with the lost! You can’t make random people your calling! You can’t just appear to have a form of godliness because you are preaching, and then use that misguided boldness to argue with Police. You have made yourself a cast away (1 Corinthians 9).
They have to seem like they are being persecuted so their foolish ministry can continue. They paint the police officers out to be nazi thugs in the process. They want to be viewed as believers in colonial Boston getting persecuted by Puritan magistrates. They want that appearance.
Now look, I am no fan of what the civil authority has become in these last days, they have not really helped me in cases that I have been victimized, but I know if they were on scene at times of crimes, they would do their due diligence in protecting citizens. But lest face it, in our day, they are no longer their to protect and serve. They are in the world to investigate and clean up the aftermath of crime. They show up afterwards to find out what happened!
They are under paid, under staffed, and dealing with extreme and excessive violence. Oh yeah! Not to mention the fact that so much of their time is already wasted. They have to waste more time on calls from American citizens who have rights as well, at businesses, gatherings, parties, restaurants, sporting events, picnic, conventions, and all the other places to deal with out of order street preaching antics.
But no one seems to care, as long as Christ is being preached right? The civil servants are right on most street preaching issues. I would arrest these men too. Let me just pose this question to you to you snap you into awareness, and back into coherence, does it bother any of you that some men among us simply cannot follow rules, take correction, and submit to others?
I could care less if they are your called pastors, or your resident street preaching prophets. Why can’t YOU guys ever concede a point? Why can’t you ever accept the witness against you?
All open air preaching was and will ever be, if it is right, is the public proclamation of the scriptures and the gospel to direct men to the Lord Jesus Christ. Where people have to decide if they want to hear or not. You can't contain them like many do! These clowns think they are Whitfield or something. We are so wrong now on this issue of street preaching now! It has become a huge stumbling block among us. Even honest men in street preachers fellowships are pointing this out.
You can't make people your congregation! You can't see a group of people and go, "they need to hear the word" and "God called me to preach". Preachers, stop it already! You are blinded in your arrogance! It’s all flesh! When you become arrested it’s “Woe is me” and the martyr complex ensues! You go on Facebook and list all the verses that have to do with being persecuted. The slanderer becomes the slandered and all that. Vain showmen is all you are. You become a brother bonds and all that jazz. You created the conflict you idiot, not them! You provoked! You called yourself there! You prayed yourself there! You led yourself there.
You guys have transformed into very un-American bigots, and only believe in rights for yourselves and those like you. You men seem to not understand the day. Simple as that! When they are taking our Bibles out of our hands, cutting our heads off with guillotines and not allowing us to worship in our homes and churches collectively as a Nation, then, then we can be up in arms about our rights.
You guys are ridiculous! You are creating the conflict in a already much conflicted world. The heathen are raging and imagining a vain thing! There is no new thing under the sun. Try going to another country before you talk about your rights so incessantly here! You men are not getting arrested for preaching any gospel of grace. Your getting arrested for being out of order! Your getting arrested for your own great swelling words. Your getting arrested for being brutes! You are getting arrested for being a dumb ass!
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