Sunday, April 15, 2012

"Behold, thy King Cometh"

And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.

One day, men will bow.  It's as simple as that.  All men.  Great, small, rich, poor, moral, the perverse, the educated, the dimwitted, etc.  One day.  There will be a King before you.  A physical King, and you will hit the dirt.

He will be a Jew of Israel, a physical man, that you will once and for all be able to see.  He will be of the lineage of David!  His city will be Jerusalem, no matter who resides there now. He will rule the world in righteousness...and holiness. He is God's son, his name is Jesus Christ.  The risen Lord.  You cuss his name, but don't believe his name.  One day, you will.  

It’s always changing people! The world, the teachings of man, the theories of evolution.  The thoughts as to how we got here, and what not.  The only problem is, there is no consistency, fluidity, or binding evidence. All of mans equations and scientific calculations of a rock bloats their minds with knowledge they know nothing about, the existence  and dating of planet Earth.  

Evolution is taught as theory, and usually comes wrapped with atheism and intellectual, phycological pondering that have developed from the core stubbornness of man who wants no authority over him. Men may say, "Well, if you don't serve God you serve the Devil".  Maybe?  I think men just serve themselves mostly.  Human nature and all.

We listen to these educators that make 6 figures like they are the very voice of God. We always give them the benefit of the doubt don’t we? Which requires just as much faith, if not more. Why can't you give God the benefit of the doubt? You weren’t there when the supposed big bang happened. How is it different that you weren’t there at the time of creation? The great proclaimers of this fanatical religion of evolution will go through great lengths to disagree with creation, and surprisingly each other. 
There are so many endless debates within their own circles. They discount a supreme being, and set themselves up as the final authority, because their education, profession and pay would be useless if their was a God. Think about it!  This is the real reason these things are force fed to our children in schools today.  If the truth were told, there would be no more people to lie to, they would have to concede to God as the creator of all life. Their degrees would be worthless, their lectures, essays, documentaries, funding, and heretical following that pays their paycheck would be dispersed.  

It became necessary way back in the 1980’s after an influx of natural disasters all over the earth, for humanist, atheist, and other non-believers to come up with “Global Warming” to replace the “end time” natural disasters prophesied in the word of God. Don’t you see? They don’t want you to fear a tribulation, or a judgment. What the world has been led to believe is global warming is just signs of the times of the coming of our Lord. 

Climate Change and global warming are just new titles for all these odd occurrences that Jesus Christ refereed to as end time events. Man needs the credit, man needs to event the terminology.  Jesus was 2000 years before NASA and all the scientist in the world. We as Americans think we are the cradle of civilization. God’s desire to a nation was to Israel. Human civilization began in the Middle East, not America.  God is prejudice. It is HIS people.  Why has war raged from the beginning of time over a piece of dirt in the Middle East?  Israel alone could be the proof of God’s existence!

No natural water source, no ports, no defensive geographical locations. It is completely exposed and in all fortifying accounts, useless.  Did you ever wonder why the influx of recorded natural disasters began around the same time Israel was recognized as a nation? 

Things are gearing up for his return, and those that will be left will face the thousands of dormant underground volcanoes, numerous earthquakes far exceeding 10.0, monsoons, tidal waves 2 miles high, and much much more. 

When the grace of God leaves, the wrath of God will show up.  He will have 1000 years after 7 years of tribulation, the most disastrous time that will EVER be on this earth, where he WILL get the glory he deserves.

You reject the bible because of it’s full of fairy tales, unbelievable events and mighty wonders that couldn’t possibly have happened.  We read headlines everyday that we thought we would never see. The world is full of bizarre events. You scoff at a bible believer and say things like, “How do you know the bible is true”. The bible believers have answered.  

We give you, the critic’s, specifically, the inquisitors, years of truth and evidence in the King James Bible since it’s first contender showed up in 1881 in the Revised Version. We answer you with the very best that man could offer to such a undertaking in 1604 with King James. 

The most renown, respected, intelligent men of the day at his disposal. Seven years of humble, compared, exhaustive work. The important translator to the readers found in most King James Bibles, that no one reads anymore, the dedicatory that everyone ignores, shows you the contrition these men had for this work of 7 years in translating the bible. No other version even came close to such a thorough translation. The seventh bible translated for a world language, and the last. Writer after writer, preacher after preacher, lawyer after lawyer, judge after judge. Experts in their fields of study from 1611 until 2009.   And all you give the believer “Yeah, but it was still written by men”.   Hundreds of book swritten in defense of the word of God.  Never has it been proven to have a contradiction.  Yet, “That Bible was written by man”.

Many true preachers of his word tirelessly searched for you answers to compel you to trust in Him.  You reject men of renown in our own world history. Men of a higher caliber. Men of resounding character and faith. Men like John Wycliffe, John Huss, Johann Guttenburg, Thomas Linacre, John Colet, Erasmus, William Tyndale,  Martin Luther, Matthew Coverdale, Thomas Cranner, John Foxe, John Knox. 

From their journeys in life and trials of fire, men  that gave us the Geneva Bible in 1560. You also ignore our founding fathers reverence to the book.  Shakespeare qoutes from this bible 100’s of times. Then the King James shows up in 1607 to 1611, the 1st bible to give us the Authorized Version. For the english speaking people.  

I dare you to do better. I challenge you find a reliable accurate translation of God’s words to man.  It’s there.  You don’t read it because some God hater tells you about the incest and slavery in it.  C’mon!  Why don’t you be responsible with your own soul, and search things out for yourself.  There is a answer for all the apparent contradictions you have heard.  Seriously, don’t believe everything you hear!

You reject a resurrection, and hold to men of great vanity who say such things as “Beginning several billion years ago, the universe has gradually developed from a few elementary compounds into it’s present state. Through the simples laws of physics and chemistry and in accordance with the doctrine of uniformity, man finds himself today at the pinnacle of the evolutionary process.” And you believe that?   

Who believes in fables now?  You hold to that and reject this, “For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit:” 

Why? Oh, I know because “man wrote the bible!” “What about the Davinci Code and these gnostic gospels?”, which are as well written by a man. What about programs on the Discovery channels? Again, produced by men with questionable intent. Men reject God, and believe man.  Man is somehow more credible in God if they claim, “Jesus doesn’t exist”.  The Church has been lying to you.  We believe this?  You got it from a man!  The very reason you claim to reject the bible is the what you believe.  You reject the word for being written by man while following men who reject the word!

You go on and believe the entertainment industry. They can’t save you! See if they’ll be there with you when you stand before the Lord. These men that produce these films, and write the books, you don’t know their intentions any more than the writers of the bible? 

You are just as much a hypocrite as you call those in the church. Have YOU ever studied the origin of the bible? To many of you out there, the answer is no.    Why not.  How old are you?  What excuse will you answer him to why you didn’t search for truth in his word.  Thirty, forty, eighty years of life, and you never looked for yourself? Have YOU ever studied the vast archeological evidence that answers the bible over and over again. That evidence increases in occurrences with each year.  You will debate yourself into damnation. You endless questioning will be your ruin. Your sarcasm, and arrogant jokes about Jesus and Christianity will be your undoing.  To be so close to truth, and to never read it, and seek it out.  To be in a country that has free access to God’s word! You have availability to what previous generations and other countries do not.  Freedom to read and believe what one sees from the 1611 King James bible.  

Seriously skeptic, have you ever searched out God.  Have you ever delved into the eternal questions that you shove back into your memories.  How could you not think it important to educate yourself on eternal matters, even if for the “just in case” mentality?

Not what you have heard or what you have read on someone's blog , book, or anyone who agrees with you.  Dime a dozen sources who leave out entire ages in history.  Men who yell about the slavery, incest, rape and murder found in the word of God.  Do YOU know WHO was being enslaved, and by whom.  Do you know WHEN the incest and such things were being committed and by WHOM.  Was it God that was responsible?  Or do you just know that these sort of unsavory things happened in the pages of the word of God.  Apparently.  Allegedly.  Occurrences of activities in the bible are not always the condoning of activities.  The bible is to be read as a history book as well.

Homosexuals attempt to point to David and his adultery and Solomon and his many women, to attack the sanctity of marriage, saying he had multiple partners and wives.  Carnal men who have not the spirit of Christ and therefore understand not the scriptures without the guidance from the Holy Spirit which indwells a believer in Christ.   Occurrences or events  that we find in the bible does not mean they are decreed of God.  Much of the bible is world history.  The men we read about were historical figures.  

Critics who don‘t believe in Him or his Spirit, therefore they have no guide to “guide them into all truth”.  Not knowing of passages that declare what, why, when.  Do YOU know these passages?  Do YOU know what is going on in these stories, testimonies, warnings, admonitions, and commands from the bible?  Why don’t you look for yourself instead of hypocritically taking mans word for it.  I know its been stated before, but have YOU ever studied the vast archeological evidence that answers the bible over and over again.?You won’t and you haven’t.  

Deep down in your heart, your created heart, that was sparked by the creation and miracle of life, I think all men know.  It’s why we cry out his name when faced with near death tragedies.  

You don’t find answers.  You don’t search for answers.  Your afraid it will lead you to acknowledge Jesus Christ existed, and then you will have to confront answers you have been hiding for years.  Therefore acknowledging the word of God.  

Therefore acknowledging heaven and hell.  You must choose.  This is why men will study everything but God.  “Ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.”  You will debate yourself into damnation. You will condemn yourself with fearful doubt.  

All of the wonder, and myth surrounding Jesus, and you just dismiss it because of the over zealousness of eager Christians to reform you.  You reject the myths as you call them and then turn your ears to more perverse men?  You believe life just occurred from a tiny bottom dwelling pond scum going through years of  metamorphosis to give us the amazing human body with all of it’s medical wonders and mysteries. 

You ridicule the ashamed Christian, and pick on him because he can’t stand up to a higher $400,000 education and $1,000 dollar words. You trash this common mans faith, not realizing in some parts of the world, faith is all some people have left. 

You reject nature, and it’s wonders, seasons, and cycles of life, and you believe some professor who tells you the intricacies of the universe and nature, (which they can’t explain) were formed from an explosion; a man that explains it like he had a front row seat to this supernatural occurrence 402 billion years ago. These men are nothing more then empty shells with mini-god complexes. You will believe their doctrine in their classes, lectures and works or you will be shunned, and ridiculed. 

You tell the Christian to leave YOU alone and to quit pushing God down your throat, but you support, laugh, and defend any satire and comedy that blatantly attacks the BELIEVER in God. You keep company with friends who commonly use his name in vain. You use your logic and intelligence to reject the very book of wisdom that contains the voice of the one who spoke the world into existence. You reject the fable attempts of Christians to portray to you the love of God, pleading with you to receive the greatest gift anyone can receive. You go through such lengths again to deploy such snares for believers, with your questioning, and condescending religion and or education. Your papers on the wall are mantles to serve only to hold your swelling pride, while the bible is nothing more than kindling or a trophy for your book collections.

You reject man’s use and misuse of the bible, and automatically attack God for it. You hear of wars and rumors of wars being perpetrated by religious men in history, and blame God for the acts of sinful, fallen, and depraved man. Jesus has already been tried and convicted in the high court of your mind for other men’s actions. You blame God for tragedies, past and present whether it’s a small child dying, or a natural disaster. You assume that the hand of wrath never touches the Christian as well as the lost. You love mother nature when conditions are heavenly, and are quick to attribute wondrous events that occur in nature, to her work, but blame  father God when these events decimate, destroy, and bring death. Which is it? Mother Nature, or Father God? Which one do you believe in? Really? When all is good, it’s just the beautiful works of mother nature. When it’s bad, Oh God, Oh God, Oh God, OH MY GOD! “How could God let this happen?”

It’s mother nature in the sense that God references the Earth as “her” several times in the scriptures.  We are to live on her.  Not abuse her.  Christians are to not be wasteful with her resources, and the flip side, to protest the cutting down of trees is vain.  This cycle of the Earth will come to an end like other Earth cycles have in Genesis 1 and 2.  But it will be on his appointment (Revelations 21, New Earth).

That’s another thing. If you hate God and all his people so much, and just think the world would be better off without us, quit using his names and terminology so much. I’ve challenged a lost man before as to whether or not he could abstain from taking the Lord’s name in vain or stop telling people to “Go to a Hell”, a place you don’t even believe exist. He lasted an hour. 

You think you want be able to do your sins anymore, not realizing that many times you define what the sin is in your own head and heart, and you prefer the temporary pleasures sin brings, and you refuse to give it up, not realizing you will have issues with sin the rest of your life no matter what you do with Christ. 

You can attempt to be a better person with or without Christ’s help.  There are good people in hell as there are men who lived bad lives who went to heaven. No one wants to unmask their true faces by reading the word of God. Men don’t want to rely on God to better themselves when they can do it themselves.  They rely on other men or themselves.

You blame religion for past injustices in the world and use that as your footstool to reject a supreme authority. Do you know how many crazed maniacal men there were who claimed God led them to do something absolutely against scriptures, or told them God wanted them to conquer, and so on.  

Lost men can’t understand that there are Christians who believe God and genuinely, though faulted, try to do his will. Then there are those who claim God for anything and everything and do anything and everything in their own wisdom and power. 

You blame the religion of slave owners and the distorted belief and of a small collective of white men who’s religion was obviously vain and full of grievous errors. You hold up the leader of the civil rights movement (Martin Luther King Jr.) for his greatness, presence and boldness and then reject his example and belief in his professed God, the one found in the King James Bible.  You blame the founding fathers for having godly principles, and instilling them in the fabric of a nation. 

What does any of this have to do with you, your very life, your very actions, and your answers that you will be required to give to a Holy, Just, and Supreme being. You won’t be able to deny your own conscience and speech before him. It’s already ordained. It’s already written. The time is appointed. It’s set. There will be a judgment seat. You will confess to HIM. 

You reject God because this person or that person represents Christ, or God the Father in a unbiblical manner. You speedily thrash them and their God and never look to the word of God to check anything!  Any questionable or deplorable character in history you choose that claimed to believe or professed belief in God, you reject because they did this or that. 

Then you receive any and everything from the mouths of this world’s philosophers, educators, based solely on agreement, and preference. You don’t know them from Adam.  Oblivious to the very creator that formed the heavens, in your naivety you take other mens opinions when rejecting all of the Christians opinions when they are all coming from sinners anyways.  Why reject the one coming from a book that tells of a God, that in reality, you have no problem with.  It is your fallen nature and the spirit of the world and Satan that do not want you in Heaven.  The devil knows his fate.  

The only pleasure he has is knowing he can deceive you in discounting the bible, Christians, and overall Christendom.

In your hastiness to judge a person professing Jesus, or a Christian for his faults, you completely overlook the basic premise of all human life, that he holds the same flesh and design as you. Man will find whatever reason their heart can find to reject God. You will use everything to reject anything. You won’t have any excuse poor sinner.  My heart hurts at times for family and friends that are holding to disbelief.  I know what is going to befall them and it horrifies me the point of dread fear for them.  Not because I will be right and they will be wrong, but because I will be in Christ, and they chose not to be.  I fear to wander if I did anything to persuade them to turn away.  I am protected by his righteousness from the justice God demands as supreme creator because I chose to believe in the ONE sacrifice for the sins of the world, not because I was right and held a different opinion from you.

You are an American, are you not? You, unfortunately, were most likely birthed into a nation with a strong trace of true religion. The bible is a revered book in this nation, and has been since it’s conception and arrival to it’s shores. Before then, the Geneva Bible held strong sway over the founding fathers of the revolution. “But those were simple backwoods men weren’t they?” You scoff at everything reflecting a supreme authority over your self and you sins. 

The King James Bible has still not been proven to hold any proven contradictions, but only apparent. This test has actually gone to the courts, twice.  You have heard of Christ. You have cussed his name, or heard it cussed. You will have to answer. How knowledgeable are you of Christ? Not what man thinks of him.  Not how men portray him.  If you reject him having known of him, your own knowledge of him will damn you. You will have to confess that you heard of the HIM. And you will have to bow your knee, as the rest of the dead small and great, and confess that JESUS IS LORD!  

Some of you raised to be religious, and straying from it because of the errors you saw in man, you are no more justified in your response of denial or rejection to Jesus Christ then anyone else's attempts to justify themselves.   You are not case sensitive at his judgment.  People always make themselves the exception.  “God and I have a understanding”, or “it’s different with me.”

It is our own selfish nature, thinking we are different.  You are not held in any respect of persons before the great white throne.  You are not the exception here.  You will be present before God at the final judgment from which the earth and heavens will be fled away.  You will be standing on nothing before a Great White Throne of Holiness, before your Supreme Creator.  It matters not that you didn’t have faith to believe.  Did you ever ask God to help you with your faith?  Or did you just scoff and mock as the multitude did when they crucified him?

How does any other man’s actions other then your own keep you safe from an eternal judgment. The bible says, It’s is appointed unto man once to die, but after this the judgment. The fabric of the free world is based upon this premise of answering for what you have done. In the societies the LAW or a law is not found, lawlessness, corruption and murder is. It’s laws and justice systems, however flawed, (once again, by man) were brought into existence to hold a person accountable for his or her actions. Why is it to hard to believe that you will die and stand before a judgment seat. Why does  several years of college qualify men and women to question God. Why does 90 to 100 years of life seem enough for a man to develop wisdom and reasoning to justify denying the existence of God, who is ageless, and everlasting.  Why does our advancements in technology allows us place and preeminence to say we are our own gods.  

Do you realize how considerable things will be once you have crossed over from the temporal to the immortal.  The realization will be devastating, yet clear and of the utmost absolution in understanding.  You will absolutely know who you are standing before.  You will not wonder anymore.  You will see him by sight.  You will be in another dimension entirely absent from human comprehension.  The creative essence of your soul will know who held it in his hands as the creator.  The contempt will be unimaginable.  You will finally realize!

You will not be able to blame the Christians then.  You see, you always looked at man, and not something higher.  Of course you would hate established religion.  It is filled with vileness, corruption and fornication just like any other establishment.  But again, none of the earthly will matter then.  You, and the Creator of all life.  What will you answer then?

You will know then!  There will be a moment where death will be a reality.  And it won’t be nothingness!  You will be separated from your temporal bodies of flesh by a mortal death, facing your second death as spoken of by John in Revelation.  Facing the one who breathed into your nostrils the breath of life. Your soul and spirit in bodily form standing before him in your own filthy rags.  The Bible declares that all our righteousness is as filthy rags.  

Standing in your own righteousness or in the righteousness of God which is IN Jesus Christ?  Your friends and family that have sided with you your entire life will not matter. Your parents or children will not be there to help you escape the final judgement of the sinner. You will be standing on nothing, the earth and heavens fled away, just you and HIM. It’s hard for the finite mind to even comprehend it. Holiness, before sinfulness. You better have a mediator.  Christians may not convey it right more often than not, but we do not want you to be like us, we just want you to believe in HIM.  This judgment will be entirely individual.  You and HIM!

Your filthy before God, His holiness is so pure compared to your pompous  and contrived attempts to recreate theocracy in modern churches and temples. You look at the system of religion and it’s thousands upon thousands of hypocrites with disdain, and you make that your reasoning to reject Him. 

You ignore all the other hypocrites in the world, and only focus on the Christian hypocrites. How convenient. How can ye (YOU) escape? We are all hypocrites. Jesus made this clear. All men are under the same condemnation.

How can ye escape the damnation of hell?

ONE sin will send you to hell.

Rejecting that ONE perfect person.  Jesus Christ, the final and last blood sacrifice for sins.

Looking away from his sacrificial payment for all sin?  Turning away from his propitiation, unto our own devices?  And for what?


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