Tuesday, July 23, 2013

His Earth, His Universe vs. the Big Bang

You can’t even attempt to find out God’s work. Imagine it. The creator of all things, creates a void, shapes it, defines it, gives it characteristics,  distinct, precise rules; the universe must obey his will. 

The professors and teachers of evolution. Atheism and paganism will discredit anyone who believes this.  And they will sound right most of the time because of uneducated Christians surrounding this topic of creation vs. Evolution.

Ecclesiastes 8:17  Then I beheld all the work of God, that a man cannot find out the work that is done under the sun: because though a man labour to seek it out, yet he shall not find it; yea further; though a wise man think to know it, yet shall he not be able to find it.

Psalms 40:5  Many, O LORD my God, are thy wonderful works which thou hast done, and thy thoughts which are to us-ward: they cannot be reckoned up in order unto thee: if I would declare and speak of them, they are more than can be numbered.

There are literally only 4 real possibilities of how the universe came to be.  One, it came from nothing accidentally which can be proven to be non scientific; Two, it has always been here which can be proven to be non scientific; Three, it is not here, it is an illusion which can be proven to be non scientific; and fourthly, it all came from nothing supernaturally. Which one will you base your soul on? Do you really believe a Big Bang created order?  

As the earth revolves at a staggering speed of 108,000 kilo per hour, it also revolves on it’s axis every 24 hours.  It’s unbelievably amazing!  And we are supposed to believe that the laws of gravity and these facts just came to be from a cosmic explosion? 

We know what we have been taught, the big words, the probably hypothesis, but have you ever listened to this stuff in high school and college and thought, “What!?”.  How many times, whether in National Geographic, or classrooms have we heard maybe, could be, possibly, and theoretically used to back the evolutionary illusion?  It truly takes great faith to believe such nonsense.  It is their religion, and they peddle it the same way they accuse us of peddling creation.

I mean some of this stuff is against their own previous theories.  I have been watching, reading and listening for about 20 years now, science always changing their theories to accommodate things God already knew before the conception of mankind. That is the thing about science, it is always changing, no matter how right it sounds.  It is not constant like the book. 

Evolutionary teaching is against the very law of thermodynamics of which they hold.  It bangs up against Einstein's theory of relativity as well. The Big Bang itself is against the law of thermodynamics and the theory of relativity.

It’s against the law of entropy of which they hold.  Frankly I wonder how they deal with the cognitive dissonance of it all.  Are we really to believe that a Big Bang, pow,whoosh, zing, zip, or whatever it is caused absolute order to the “inth” degree? 

Have you ever seen an explosion? It produces destruction and chaos, not a working system.  A Big Bang would have only produced chaos, and never order.   This explains why it is still taught as a theory. Unfortunately, it is accepted as fact by most. It’s deception at the highest level and the darkest hands are behind it.

All of it. All that we know about such things, we are supposed to believe the earth does this, all in perfect order. Inches closer to the sun, we burn, inches farther away, we freeze.  Inches people.  A big bang did not create this. 

Now, the danger of believing in Heliocentric model is that it makes the Earth of little importance and the Sun of larger importance.  In the heliocentric model, earth is just another revolving planet in the solar system. 

Sun worship is still alive and well, it’s just glossed up better to be evolution and heliocentricity. This theory allows for degenerate unconverted minds to speculate of alternate universes and other Earths. The fact remains that the Earth was made on the 1st day of the creation.  There was no Sun yet created until the 4th day! So what did the earth revolve around?

Because of the accepted belief of the Sun being the central figure, Earth is now only a miracle of the evolutionary process to most people and not Gods created earth with a purpose.It makes the Earth simply another planet like the others, spiraling madly through space revolving around the Sun like the other planets.  

If the Earth is stationary, and is the “footstool” of God, than God is real, his book is real and he has a vested interest in Her habitation and inhabitants.  This to an evolutionist cannot be accepted.  

So to combat that, they say, “There is no God!” So it becomes to be that man was created from having been evolved from Nile sludge or 15 billion years of hypothesized and controlled evolutionistic teachings.

Furthermore, this predominate theory perpetuates Christians into aligning with Theistic Evolution.  Evolution is the ruling, a commonly held thought of man and even Christians.  Everything is examined in IT’S light first.  It is why we examine and search the stars through NASA and why we do our research to find other habitable planets for future colonization.  This is heresy in the largest scale.  There are no other inhabitable planets. The Earth, the Sun, the Moon, the Planets and the stars are all his and were all made by Him. 

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