Thursday, February 21, 2013

A Convoluted Commission

The fact remains is that men have long made it a practice to use the word, and I cannot stress enough how serious I mean to say, “use the word of God” for private agendas and to further their private kingdoms.  For the common good or whatever lies they have to tell themselves these days, many just continue on, examining others, never examining themselves.  Men will privately interpret passages for private reasons.  It is a common practice displayed among decent and devious men  alike and has been in the works since the time of Christ. 

Missionaries and preachers have long claimed unfounded and loose interpretive callings for ministerial nonsense and money grabbing shakedowns by way of using the Great Commission. They have long found, as the definition of commission states, their doings, performing, perpetuating, sending, act of entrusting, duty; and it is now their proper authority and warrant for exercising certain powers, administrations, and duties in the Great Commission passages.  

These passages in the gospels have been used for centuries to solicit services and funds from among Christian bodies.  Sure their is gain, but no one ever discusses the other spectrums of disorder. To use these passages to solicit service, or even funds and offerings is unscriptural and dangerously close to adding to his word.  

In many cases now, I can only see it as defraudation or using guile and gimmicks to obtain an desired affect.  By applying a teaching or doctrine to these scriptures, then saying they are directly for the body of Christ is adding to the doctrinal position of the passage.  To do so, one must ignore the scriptural integrity of Gods book.  There is a very specific reason for men to deny that there is any disorder.

You will see variations of this in every evangelistic, Baptist church you can find. It is the big idea that is fully entrenched in well fortified Baptist traditions and preserved by some mafia like omerta! It is why there is never a real discussion or theological sit down over it.  Men will look at you like a two headed dragon just for suggesting this may be an off base position. They act this way because the great commission is the prominent “big idea” that many Fundamentalist, and Evangelical, Bible Believing Christians have in their minds for the reasons for doing much of what they do.  Who would ever dare question it right?

The great commission is why many Christians do what they do in their churches and ministries, even if you don’t realize it.  It’s the “big idea” that propagates most of our efforts and ministries and our service to the Lord.  As any big idea goes, there is elements of truth surrounding it. I understand some men think this talk to be near blasphemous. They say, “How could you be against the Commission?”   How easy it has become for us to say, “I am called to _____, and the Lord approves it because of his charge to us, his great commission.” No rules, no scriptural guidelines, just invented ministries and titles to add to the confusion we already see in our churches.  

The great commission dictates church worship, ministry, and activity. It is used to solicit funds and service from others, and to advance a deceptively false gospel.  Sad to say but the “big idea” for many has become “big business.”  One has to only observe Christendom to see this. Yes, even you Independents are rolling in the “blessings of the ministry” while citing the commissions call.

Is there a succession of the mandates given to the 11 disciples that continues on in us by way of apostolic succession? Is the Great Commission for us to continue and to cite?  This is not a baseless question to ask as I have been accused of doing!  Nor is it straining at gnats as men say when they don’t want to deal with an issue.  I don’t consider the topic of the great commission to fall into the category of “straining at gnats” when it is used in almost every Mission Board and Baptist statement of faith out there.  It is not a gnat-like issue, it is a 600 pound gorilla-like issue. You guys have made it the “one ring to rule them all”.

Some examples from missionaries, street preachers, evangelist, pastors, and ministries are as follows.  All of these are from prominent, Independent, Fundamental Baptist men that many of you most likely know or have heard of. You will see what I mean when I say the great commission is the “big idea” that drives!  All of these men unfortunately would most likely tell me I am “creating the issue.”  Am I?

“We believe the true mission of the church is found in the Great Commission:”

“The command to give the gospel to the world is clear and unmistakable and this commission was given to the churches.”

“We will then teach them to “observe all things whatsoever” the Lord has commanded us; and when the Holy Spirit calls, we will separate and send others forth into the world to proclaim the same Gospel and carry out the same great commission work in its entirety with the anticipated goal of establishing additional New Testament Baptist Churches.”

“We believe that God has given His New Testament Baptist Churches the Great Commission of proclaiming the Gospel to all nations so that there might be a great multitude from every nation, tribe, ethnic group, and language group who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ with the anticipated result being New Testament churches started worldwide.”

“Missionary work is New Testament work. Christ promised to build His church (Mt. 16:18). He gave the church its missionary commission (Mt. 28:18-20).”

“We believe the Lord Jesus Christ has commissioned us to take the Gospel to the world,”

“We are “committed to keeping the main thing the main thing: The Great Commission of Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:18-19). As the Church labors to fulfill this standing order.”

“That the true mission of the church is found in the concept of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20).”

“we obey the commission of soul winning.”

“Labour in the Commission”

“The Lord re-stated the Great Commission just before He returned to Heaven (Acts 1:8)”

“It is our determination to continue as we have been doing through the years in maintaining a strong scriptural basis, a world-wide outreach, and a complete commission

“We believe very strongly in bringing closure to the Great Commission.  With that in mind, we go from house to house, and city to city, witnessing and preaching the Gospel of the grace of God”

“We really feel like your doing something and accomplishing something for the Lord in fulfilling the Great commission.”

“The Bible tells us, “GO YE” in Matthew 28:19 into all the world with the Gospel to make men disciples of Jesus Christ. “GO YE” is active and not passive. It is a royal command

“It is the most important way of evangelism, and the most primitive form of fulfilling the great commission.” (Street preacher)

So having seen the position that it is placed at with our leading men among the Baptist churches it is not a baseless issue.  This is not straining at a gnat.  Men have made it to be a predominant issue.  

These claims are down right preposterous some of them.  How can some people read over this stuff and just go, “What? I don’t see the problem here?” Many of you need to hold yourself to the own words that you preach.  Some of this above is completely and utter nonsense and many of you know it.  

What were the gospel messages of these passages?  What were the glad tidings that they issued forth of their mouths?  Where did they go and what did they do upon receiving this commission?  How is this commission directly relevant to the body of Christ today and why all the referencing and using of it’s phrases?  Are we to fulfill, further, or carry on just as the Disciples of our Lord were commanded? What are we to preach today? 

What exactly do the passages around “Go ye into all the world” teach or hold to?  Does it matter?  What is the text, where it stands, without influence or denominational, evangelistic leanings?  The evident and resounding question remains, is there a commission for us? You be the judge!

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