Friday, February 1, 2013

"What if it's the Pastor that is the Heretic?"

Heretic~A person under any religion, but particularly the christian, who holds and teaches opinions repugnant to the established faith, or that which is made the standard of orthodoxy. In strictness, among christians, a person who holds and avows religious opinions contrary to the doctrines of Scripture, the only rule of faith and practice.

I listed this definition to prove a point.  The established faith is in the word of God.  It’s in Paul’s gospel.  The gospel of the grace of God was revealed to him.  The inner workings and administrations were revealed to Paul from Christ. It was by the order of Christ. If we operate outside that umbrella, we are heretic’s are we not?  If we hold and teach opinion contrary to the established faith, the faith Paul, Peter, Jude, and James wrote of, we are heretics!

Titus 3:10~A man that is an heretick after the first and second admonition reject;

When most people think of withdrawing from heretics, or others, it is usually because of false doctrine, perversions of the gospel message, gross sin, or many other unruly things. But sometimes, believers must withdraw for other reasons.  When most think of heretics they have a picture in their mind but they would never think their own pastors, or those they run with as heretics.

For reasons that may be more apparent than you may think.  What if men lie and speak not the truth? Are we not to withdraw them?  We have every right according to scriptures to withdraw and separate from men who hold not to the Pauline Epistles, and the gospel, doctrine, tradition, and commandments found therein. We have every right to depart from disorderly men.  Let them know you love them, pray for them, and walk on.  Why is this so difficult for us.

Romans 16:17-18
Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.
18 For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.

This was not mere sinners in the church that we are to mark and avoid and excommunicate for some sin we think they committed. Romans 16 mentions people who are causing division and offences contrary to doctrine.  There is no indication that these are lost degenerates. We always use this verse to apply to sinners outside the fold. These are people of a certain flock. They were trying to implement their own doctrines of men, over the established doctrines (Acts 16, Gal 2, 1 Corinthians 15).

The are not SERVING our Jesus Christ. They are not following Pauline traditions. They can serve their flesh while having Christ reside in their hearts.  Because of this, many of our churches today are just a place for the masses to be controlled. I hate to say it, but  most people want to be ruled. Many churches are just a place for those to come who will not study the word of God for themselves.  Men can be born again, and  preach much false hood. Men can believe their own lies, and fall in love with their own egos. 

In Romans 16, it was opposite of Paul’s doctrine.  These men were serving their own bellies, and using good words and fair speeches to deceive the hearts of the simple.  Reading through Romans, we know exactly who Paul is referring to.  It is those who would pervert the gospel that he spoke of in Galatians 1, the Jews that were still clinging unto the laws and traditions.

2 Thessalonians 3:6
Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly, and not after the tradition which he received of us.

Paul was opposed to any traditions of men, accept his!  Sounds like an arrogant position, but it’s true. Now this is where we loose the whole bunch.  One of Paul’s traditions was preaching a gospel of Christ without charge.  Who is doing that today. His traditions were directly from the Lord and they were certified by that authority.  

Here in 2 Thessalonians 3, men were going contrary to Paul’s traditions which given the context, was preaching with charge, taking other men’s bread, and refusing to work.  Strange how we hear these quotes completely removed from  context when used in sermons.  They always keep the light off of them, by yelling at the world, or keeping the spotlight on you.  Watch your pastors!  

Order is important to Paul and to God.  Many passages dealing with Christ and Paul deal specifically with going the extra mile for the other.  Paul talks about restoration of sinners, not their condemnation. 

The withdrawing that is most common in the NT, is this type, withdrawing from those that preach other gospels, or other things contrary to Paul’s traditions.  And this order is from the throne room of God directly from Jesus Christ, to Paul, for anyone in the body of Christ since then to now! 

It was not some gross sin in the church as adultery in 2 Thessalonians 3, it was withdrawing from men who received Paul’s tradition, and then turned away from it and were working not at all, but were busybodies in verses 7-12.  

2 Thessalonians 3:7-12
For yourselves know how ye ought to follow us: for we behaved not ourselves disorderly among you;
8 Neither did we eat any man's bread for nought; but wrought with labour and travail night and day, that we might not be chargeable to any of you:
9 Not because we have not power, but to make ourselves an ensample unto you to follow us.
10 For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.
11 For we hear that there are some which walk among you disorderly, working not at all, but are busybodies.
12 Now them that are such we command and exhort by our Lord Jesus Christ, that with quietness they work, and eat their own bread.

Paul said to note THAT man and have no company with him in verse 14.  

Are we not to take a literal approach, or is Paul being to radical?  

Titus 3:9-10
But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain.
10 A man that is an heretick after the first and second admonition reject;

Paul does not want us debating or even reasoning with these men.  They are destitute of the truth.  Understand...we are discussing those in an assembly.  I understand that Christians have old family and friends who we may continually give ourselves to in prayer and testimony of his grace even after they gave rejected truth several times.  This is different.  

A man that IS AN HERETIC among us, in a assembly of believers must be dealt with quickly to not allow heresy to spread.  As Paul eluded to, we must have heresy to have  established truth.  So what if this man is the pastor?  What if the pastor is the one teaching heresy?  What do you do?

If a pastor is unwilling to change when shown his error by several witnesses, what do you do? What if he becomes dogmatic, egotistical, ignorant or unreasonable.  They are usually bold, stoic and staunch.  Unchanging or unmovable.  If they will not listen to reasoning of the spirit and men that they are equal to in salvation and flesh, then they must not be allowed to stay to cause MORE division while quenching the spirit as well.

Again, this is not casting out a person from a congregation because you dislike, or even disagree with them.  The separation we see in the scriptures is not just “I’m not fellowshipping with that brother because they don’t live like me”.

These things have more to do with men who are going against Pauls’ gospel and traditions associated with that. Paul left instruction for the body of Christ, the church on what to do! Sometimes, you have to leave emotion out of it and make the hard breaks.  

Some cases, this can be the pastors among us causing the division, but know one notices it because of misdirection, his long years of service, his great testimony in the area, etc.  The pastor is telling you who to withdraw from and using the scriptures to do so.  He is taking passages that reveal his own weakness, acting like they are non existent, flipping it on his people!

1 Timothy 1:4
Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith: so do.

I fear sometimes Christians spend way to much time on apologetics.  There are so many things which minister questions, and we should contend for the faith, and the defense and confirmation of the gospel, but I think we have said enough some times. I mean, how many books can we write on the same stuff?  How many messages do we preach with the same themes? You know why a lot of men do this, to keep the sheep dumbed down, ignorant, stagnate and dependent.  Many men are found starving their own  people to protect their own kingdoms. 

1 Timothy 6:3-5
If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness;
4 He is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of words, whereof cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings,
5 Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself.

Questions and strife of words.  You know what follows.  Railings and evil surmisings.  The Bible is so plain sometimes.  It is so accurate and relevant to current events.  Is the heretic really a heretic?  Is the dissenter the heretic, or in these last days, are the heretics the leaders in our modern churches?  Valid questions I think considering the current landscape.

Are men teaching otherwise, from Paul?  Are they consenting not to wholesome words? Are they consenting not to the doctrine which is according to godliness? These men suppose that gain is godliness! They see fruit, and it must be God moving. The gain is the godliness in their eyes. They see numbers added to the church, and it can only be God and not pragmatic methods received of other men.  

Is there envy, and strife? Does railing persist from the pulpits? How bout constant mandates and charges.  What about commissions and ideologies? From these men, we are to withdraw. This men are the ones standing in the bed of heresy. They may be doing it in ignorance, but it will remain that way because no one will ever speak against him.

2 Timothy 2:16-17
But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness.
17 And their word will eat as doth a canker: of whom is Hymenaeus and Philetus;

“Increase unto more ungodliness”.  Now bare with me here.  Understand, the NT pharisee, and the Judeizers of Paul’s day were masters at appearing to be godly, but there actions and words were only increasing unto more ungodliness at the core of the matter.

A Christian does not have to endure wrong doctrine, false prophets, or ministries of men if he so desires!  Plain and simple.  Who are they to keep believers who love the book  under their vices? He can absolutely withdraw him self and his family from their company, and seek assembly and fellowship elsewhere.  

Whether those you are leaving are King James or not.  The use of the King James Bible is not a shield for wrong doing and disorder. In other words, in this day and age, if someone says they preach and teach the King James Bible, and believe it from cover to cover, well, we have arrived at the place in history where that profession means absolutely nothing anymore.  They are teaching traditions of man out of a King James.

One fact remains true, every man will run his race, and answer for his lot.  So why do we feel so fearful to pull away from tradition in the Baptist circles when we know them to be wrong.  When you say “I left the church because of the preacher always asking for money.”  And we think that person is just giving an excuse.  It happens to be the case today, even in the “recession, and hard times for everyone, Fundamentalist, and evangelicals have not skipped a beat. They really are just doing things for money!  I don’t understand why people can’t believe these men are able to be like this! 

You will answer, and they will answer.  Most times, you will just agree to disagree. It’s simple.  End of story, go on with your life.  Be a man, and quit analyzing everything, and wondering about everyones thoughts of you.  Stand with God.  God knoweth the heart, and sometimes men have to withdraw from one another.  When you stay together, that is where schisms, bitterness, and division is born and fostered.  Bitterness cuts deep and stayeth long.  

No Christian, don’t let men guilt you into their service and present it as the Lord’s service. You can absolutely find fellowship with believers in the King James Bible, and it’s doctrines, and dispensations therein away from your local Baptist slaughterhouse.  

If it isn’t broken, and your church is sound, then by all means stay.  But be watchful and strengthen the things that remain.

A heretic is someone who preaches false doctrine.  Well, who is doing the preaching today?  Who is railing and extorting? Who is  not consenting to wholesome words?  Who is the ones being contrary to the doctrines? Who is the real heretics?  The people sitting in the pews or the pastor behind the pulpit? How do we treat them?  Can fellowship be restored?  If there is not agreement, there will be division eventually.  

I don’t want to have endless debates and circular reasonings of men that are only bent on prodding, provoking, contending and making themselves seem justified before men to the point of carrying on their agendas and kingdoms.

If men lack wisdom they will lack reason. Let em alone at this point! And walk on! If they are unreasonable, they will never be persuaded or convinced of anything.  If that begins, a Christian should withdraw from further conversation.  Politely as well, to not be provoked unto reasoning with men that you discern through the spirit to be unreasonable.  

A Christian should simply want men to see truth.    It’s that plain.  If they don’t see, I can fellowship with them as brethren in the body of sanctified sinners, but I must withdraw from company, agreement, conversation and accordance at some point.  It will only stunt growth for both parties!

If words past the two heartfelt sit-downs have drawn you to the conclusion that the man rejects Paul’s manners, his doctrine, his way, and his traditions which we are charged to keep, all of which were inspirationally given to Paul by Jesus Christ, then this is where we are prompted to reject them as an heretic.  In laymen's terms, Paul considered them to now be a waste of time.  

Of course we love em.  Of course the door is always open for discussions.  But they have to see other pulling away from them.  It has to do with the thing being established, that they have been deceived.  It is supposed to bring reproach on them. 

It will only bring contention and strife if two brothers contend past this point.  Can two walk together except they be agreed?  We are all sinners.  That is why we sin.  I am not talking of being helplessly sinful.  I am talking about us being sinners. All of us.  God knoweth the hearts of both accords.  He will be the one glorified in our frail attempts at searching the scriptures for our own self righteous vindication (All of us!). 

I am prepared to answer to Him for the things pertaining to the gospel of the grace of God being Paul’s gospel, the fact that public ministry is being heavily perverted and subverted by the likes of charlatan Baptist men,  and the refusal of the Independent sort to not practice the more excellent way in love and charity rather than contentions and strivings about the law among the brethren and only scorn for the wicked sinners.

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