Here I go with another flip side observation. “Oh you are just picking all the things that used to believe in and do and preaching against them now?” Well, thats not really the case but if you want to believe that what do I care. Sorry!
I can’t help it. It’s just my makeup I guess. It is my knack to teach doctrine through disproving traditions and many human elements that have slipped in under the radar into our ways of service and worship.
Now, lets all get together and go pass out some tracts. Have you ever heard or participated in such events with your church? There is a danger with such things as gospel tracts, tract blitzes and track bombings.
I’m not opposed to tracts, but there is the danger of people handing out a million papers to a million people and never opening their mouth to actually witness. I have seen tracts evolve from a form of opening conversation to more of a “just read this and God bless” and many go on there merry way with their conscience appease that they did something for God. It’s all very Catholic of us isn’t it. The same as a confessional crutch. I know people who feel miserable about themselves unless they fulfill some daily or weekly quota.
In large groups, public outreach operations, especially amongst youth groups there is this tendency to “one-up” the other that leads more to one becoming a nuisance more than a testimony. I have seen this hundreds of times in several different places. Gospel tracts used in such manners turn in to gospel trash.