Wednesday, June 19, 2013

"The sword of the Lord is filled with blood"

As a believer, I can't stand it when man is praised so highly.  When man is esteemed so great, it turns my stomach. I can't wait until the Lord is properly glorified. Before this happens, he will have to have his DAY. The Lord says, “Behold, I, [even] I, will bring a sword upon you,”.  God Almighty says,  “When I shall brandish my sword before them; and they shall tremble at [every] moment”. 

He says, “For my sword shall be bathed in heaven: behold, it shall come down upon Idumea”.  The Lord proclaims, “I have sworn by myself, the word is gone out of my mouth [in] righteousness, and shall not return, That unto me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear.”

This is not the baby Jesus in the manger. This is not the loving Lord giving the beatitudes or the great commission.  This is not the kind, compassionate teacher that believers have come to know as their Lord and savior. This side of God is more liken to a roaring lion.

One day, maybe long from now, or maybe on the imminent horizon, the whole world will partake in  an event. I think every eye will see it happening in some capacity around the globe.  It will affect the physical characteristics of our globe if not already affected by present or coming tribulation.   

There will be no conspiracy to hide it, it will be too big.  It won’t be a ufo, or an alien from outer space.  It won’t be a earth killing meteor that heralds the end of the world.  It will be a King on a white horse with a massive army behind him.  

This King, soon coming, is Jesus Christ. It’s often been said by preachers and theologians of Jesus Christ, “The first time he came to earth he came as a lamb, the second time he comes to earth he comes as a lion”.  This is true but it doesn’t even begin to describe that event.  In fact, the word of God is very descriptive about the 2nd Advent and the demeanor of the Lord Jesus Christ at this point.  He is a man of war at this point and he is furious. 

Exodus 15:3 The LORD [is] a man of war: the LORD [is] his name.

Friday, June 14, 2013

When All the Multitude Kept Silent

Acts 15 was and is one of the most important chapters in the word of God.  You have to understand what has just taken place.  The multitude has always played it’s role, for good or evil.  They have always had something to say.  

The multitudes are different today.  Then, they flocked to the Lord on His time here on earth.  They marveled at his doctrine and miracles.  Jesus had compassion on the multitudes.  They also came with Judas to betray Him, as well as wanting Barrabas to go free to see Christ crucified.  The multitude always had those who believed, and those who did not (Acts 28:24 And some believed the things which were spoken, and some believed not.) 

The multitude or masses controlled politicians and religious leaders of their times, the same way they do today.  Why do politics change their politics?  The multitudes. But Acts 15 was the game changer. Acts 15 was what the Pharisees, Sadducees and Chief Priest were trying to quell when the Lord was killed and when the Acts of the Apostles began.  

If it helps, think of it as a uprising or a revolution. There are many references to a new way.  A new doctrine, a new commandment, a new testament. Remember the accusation of Jason, they turned the world upside down.  They would lie, cheat, discredit, and do whatever they could to stop men saying such things as; Neither is their salvation in any other. For there is none other name, under heaven given among men whereby we MUST be saved! (Acts 4:12)  

It was a paradigm shift.  Nearly 4,000 years of hardcore, Jewish tradition, customs, religious culture, and even the “God honored” priesthood was now rendered obsolete.  The temple, the veil that was rent, the altar, the incense, and the “holy things” were no longer the standard of worship.   

With this, many of the religious leader’s seats, leadership and positions were now suddenly being threatened and brought into in question. But something happen in Acts 15 immediately after Peter proclaimed the “Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ”. The very next verse is one of the most important verses in the bible in my opinion. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

"Respect!!!" The Lord's Sun

I like to hear men debate about things like the sun, the moon, the stars, black holes, a exploding super nova, gigantic gas planets.  

All this knowledge they have of them, when in reality, it is all hypothesis, conjecture and calculations.  They have no idea what these things are.  They talk as if they witness these events and they can actually see black holes.  They are invisible.  They can only guess at characteristics.  They have no idea!

And we think we have creation, the cosmos, and wonders in space figured out?  How do these men with the knowledge of all these scientifically proven facts not fall prostrate in realization that they are WAY out of their league?

What keeps the Sun from blowing this solar system into oblivion?  I know what evolution teaches, but who really buys that conjecture at this stage? There is a scientific term called “solar constant” used by scientist for the last hundred years.  What it means is the variableness of the suns solar energy, the fact that it is constant and never changing . It baffles scientist even today!  You know why?  Because it was God who made the worlds, not a sonic explosion.

Hebrews 1:1  God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, 
2  Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds; 
3  Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;

How does the Sun stay together? Its not gravity. There is no gravity present.  It’s literally blown away.  A chaotic big bang could not have produced something so orderly and unchanging, or un-evolving.  A Big Bang theory is against the very law of thermodynamics.

Scientist have studied the variableness  and factors of the sun for years.  With the sun, there is NO ROOM for ERROR.  If there was not a solar constant, and the sun varied in any of the many factors that scientist, physicist and biochemist have studied and calculated with extreme mathematics, quantum physics, that life would cease to exist. 

These following variables, which are also scientific facts, are necessary, or life would cease to exist on this plant that God created.