Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Called of God?

It is vital in the scriptures when God speaks. A few rare phrases carry tremendous implications.  It is no doubt that God spoke to mankind at times in mans history. But did this continue or not?  We of course know that God spoke when he was on Earth, manifest in the flesh as our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.  But when phrases like, “the Lord said unto” or the “the LORD said unto”, show up, it is a major incident!

I choose to delve into this topic because of all the mindless claims to speak for God. There is so much loose talk of “God told me to…” or “god called me” or “God is leading me to tell you…” and so on, that it has become a critical juncture now in separating fact from fiction in a persons mind as to what is really happening in their world.

It’s just interesting how men hang around in certain areas and use certain terminology when in actuality, they are not strong at all in the scriptures. Things like dedicate, dedications, offerings, burdened, burdens, God’s call, the call of Christ, God spoke to me, God lead me, God said unto me, the hand of God is upon him, and many more. Some even are not even biblical phrases at all! We hear these things chimed continuously.  They were so rarely used in the word of God, yet we use them repeatedly and pretentiously.

Just a few things to start, to show how often some oft “used” statements we repeat are actually very rare statements in God’s word.  The phrase “the Lord led me” shows up one time in Genesis 24.  “Called of God” shows up one time in Hebrews 5:4.  There is much talk of being “burdened for the Lord”, or “God gave me a burden”.  The word “burdened” appears only 2 times in 2 Chronicles 5:4 and 8:13.  Read them for what they are.

The word “burden” appears many times in scriptures, but is in no way an association of a “call of God” to the “ministry” like we man has been spinning it the last 150 years.  The phrase “God said” shows up 46 times, all OT accept for a reference in Luke.  The phrase, “God spake” shows up 13 times. Which included talks with Noah, Moses, Joshua, Abraham, Isaac. 

Sunday, April 15, 2012

"Behold, thy King Cometh"

And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.

One day, men will bow.  It's as simple as that.  All men.  Great, small, rich, poor, moral, the perverse, the educated, the dimwitted, etc.  One day.  There will be a King before you.  A physical King, and you will hit the dirt.

He will be a Jew of Israel, a physical man, that you will once and for all be able to see.  He will be of the lineage of David!  His city will be Jerusalem, no matter who resides there now. He will rule the world in righteousness...and holiness. He is God's son, his name is Jesus Christ.  The risen Lord.  You cuss his name, but don't believe his name.  One day, you will.  

It’s always changing people! The world, the teachings of man, the theories of evolution.  The thoughts as to how we got here, and what not.  The only problem is, there is no consistency, fluidity, or binding evidence. All of mans equations and scientific calculations of a rock bloats their minds with knowledge they know nothing about, the existence  and dating of planet Earth.  

Evolution is taught as theory, and usually comes wrapped with atheism and intellectual, phycological pondering that have developed from the core stubbornness of man who wants no authority over him. Men may say, "Well, if you don't serve God you serve the Devil".  Maybe?  I think men just serve themselves mostly.  Human nature and all.

We listen to these educators that make 6 figures like they are the very voice of God. We always give them the benefit of the doubt don’t we? Which requires just as much faith, if not more. Why can't you give God the benefit of the doubt? You weren’t there when the supposed big bang happened. How is it different that you weren’t there at the time of creation? The great proclaimers of this fanatical religion of evolution will go through great lengths to disagree with creation, and surprisingly each other.