A Treatise Against the New Priesthood
~A kick against the fundamentalist pricks~
This is “the get it off my chest” part. If I thought it proper, I would name names, and let the chips fall. You schemers and defrauders! I have the letters of your tall tales and your manipulation of men. I know what was swept under the rugs, and kept from the congregations. I know the inner money changing, and hand-shaking. I have seen the protection of your own kind at the expense of the sheep. I know why positions changed, and men were removed or renounced. And what some of us have missed, God has surely seen it all! Amen!
If I my mother didn’t teach me better manners, if that Book had not rub off on me, I would call all you suckers out by name. Your wonderful followings, and loyal members, they have no idea what kind of men you are. But I know! I know what kinda man you are!
All your charades, all your little speeches, and many of you are nothing but common thieves. All your secrets, all your dirty little inner strifes and turmoils that are kept hidden with such precise calculation. You are expert in your cloaking of your own self righteousness. It is hard for me to understand how we claim to serve the same risen savior? I have to love you, and hope with great faith, that somehow, God used you in his way that I cannot see, as he did with a “jackass” in the OT.
At this point in the game, it is now apparent to me that there have always been bully zealots and fanatics, who pervert THE gospel, and implement private interpretation contrary to the scriptures. Every true Christian body, or sincere believing society has had to deal with brutes, ogres, fools, jesters, and oafs!
In every generation, in every reformation and awakening, in every church age there has been, they have existed. They are found quite possibly in every denomination, but are more prevalent in the fundamental ranks where they can easily blend and infect. They are the pharisee of the modern day.