There are dangerous Fundamental Philosophies and Quips that have been used from one generation to the next. We preach certain things because they sound good, and often fall into line with the Fundamental way of thinking. These things commonly used in hit in pulpits are not sound doctrine, and do not usually mean what we try to make them mean.
Some of these are used to allow us our own liberties in preaching on anything and anyone we want. In fact today, much of our preaching we hear is just men talking about things that anger them, or some pet hobby horse.
Very little edification. We thrash the cults when they quote half verses or segments of verses for some supposed doctrinal truth, but we, like any other denomination have fallen into the same snare. We do the same thing in the pulpits, and the streets!
You may have heard men say, “Good preaching is not always good doctrine, and good doctrine is not always good preaching.” I understand what this is meant to be, some doctrines are rough, and definitely not crowd pleasers, but our preaching should always reflect our doctrine! You can’t truly preach truth unless you are being distinctive in your doctrine.
We have preached these things so much, that these things, sometime ideologies, are now our positions. Then, we find the scripture to back it up after are position is already stated. The scriptures should be our position first, not phrases. Here are just some examples;