Saturday, May 19, 2012


Regarding tithes and offerings, some common sense, factual observations.  The words tithe or tithes is only found in the OT and in Matthew, Luke and Hebrews in the NT.   In these passages where it is mentioned, there is no association with the “body of Christ”.  Giving to the “body” was all together different.

The word “Collection” is mentioned three times in the Word of God.  It was mentioned twice in the OT referencing the “the work of the service of the house of the LORD”, which was the temple in the wilderness.  The other time, the lone NT reference, is in 1 Corinthians 16:1 where Paul had previously asked the churches to take up a specific collection upon his arrival so there would be no offerings when he was there.  

He then took this “collection” to the poor saints in Jerusalem.  This collection is not specifically money, but it was a specific offering.  Nowhere in the text does it indicate this is a weekly practice or Pauline tradition to be followed.

The words “treasury” or “treasurer” is only found in the OT or the four gospels.  The word “Storehouse” is only found in Malachi and Luke.  The church is not the storehouse, and the church does not have a treasury.  These were temple structures or rooms within the temple court. 

“Offerings” are mentioned in abundance in the OT, but only five times in the NT, with three of these times referring to burnt offerings.  Offerings in the OT are always exclusively  agricultural.  Of the 265 times “offering” or “offerings” are mentioned, only two incidences, Luke 21 and Acts 24, can be referenced to something monetary.