The image selected is that of a young Bob Grey. Like many Fundamentalist then and now, they have people in the world they attack and preach against. For him it was Elvis. For many preachers today, it is all sorts of nonsense that tends to nothing but laboring in vain and wasteful ministries. Yeah I said it! What?
In the sense of public ministry, us servants of the Lord, are we (watch as I wax homiletical) Protesting Sin, Provoking Sinners, Promoting Wrath or Proclaiming the Savior? There seems to have been this recent rash of confrontational sensationalism among our ranks. Whether it is in the pulpits, pushing for decision by any means necessary, or it is on the streets, ranting and raving about all sorts of sins and unrighteousness. We are out of the way, thinking we are promoting the way. Who's world do you think this is?
Some years ago I remember quite distinctly, Christians, Protestants, Catholics, and even a state power, the Vatican, all came together as one protesting "Brokeback Mountain" at the theaters worldwide. Many across the nation in protest of this film could be seen holding up signs with negative “sodomite sayings” and the typical, verses of scriptures to lay at the feet of any unrighteous believer. We have our ammo ready all the time.
As I watched it play out, I observed many men attempting to inaudibly speak through a megaphone over the noise of 100 cars driving by with their windows up. In my view, this would only attract more attention to the spectacle! But what do I know right?