Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Protesting the World or Proclaiming the Savior?

The image selected is that of a young Bob Grey.  Like many Fundamentalist then and now, they have people in the world they attack and preach against.  For him it was Elvis.  For many preachers today, it is all sorts of nonsense that tends to nothing but laboring in vain and wasteful ministries.  Yeah I said it!  What? 
In the sense of public ministry, us servants of the Lord, are we (watch as I wax homiletical) Protesting Sin, Provoking Sinners, Promoting Wrath or Proclaiming the Savior?  There seems to have been this recent rash of confrontational sensationalism among our ranks.  Whether it is in the pulpits, pushing for decision by any means necessary, or it is on the streets, ranting and raving about all sorts of sins and unrighteousness.  We are out of the way, thinking we are promoting the way.  Who's world do you think this is?  
Some years ago I remember quite distinctly, Christians, Protestants, Catholics, and even a state power, the Vatican, all came together as one protesting "Brokeback Mountain" at the theaters worldwide. Many across the nation in protest of this film could be seen holding up signs with negative “sodomite sayings” and the typical, verses of scriptures to lay at the feet of any unrighteous believer.  We have our ammo ready all the time.
As I watched it play out, I observed many men attempting to inaudibly speak through a megaphone over the noise of 100 cars driving by with their windows up.  In my view, this would only attract more attention to the spectacle!  But what do I know right?

Friday, February 24, 2012

Good Works and Working for God

I selected this image with careful consideration to deal with something head on in our ranks which is elitism and  hypocrisy in our leaders (and I know you hard-core, militant uncompromising preachers will get ruffled seeing a bare breast, or a nipple slip, at least you will have something to preach about Sunday!) There  is a  predominantly fixed mindset and problem which we will get to, that has run through the local churches  like a rash over the last 2o years.  You protest so much and take such offense, and yet when someone tells you that you and your cronies have been sucking off the same protestant, Fundamentalist teat for decades, it just doesn't register.

It's like a preacher I knew took his shoe off one Sunday moring and chunked it across the room on the wall where it left a scuff.  No one knew what to do!  Did he loose his mind? He was making a point and said, "Now some of you care more about the fact that I scoffed the wall, which I meant to do, then the fact that..." and then he proceeded in his point.  A great illustration!  

This woman in the image is doing a great work for God! Much like Tabitha in Acts 9. Tabitha was full of good works, alms deeds, She used her talents and gifts while SHE was with them.  She made coats and garments, while she was with them.  She used her members.  The body of Christ was established on this in Acts.  Simply gifts and talents being used to minister to others.  She didn't stand out.  Most likely poor to boot. Simply doing what she could.  This is a work of God.  That was a ministry.  That was her calling so to speak.  

We are Christians not because we say we are or go to this church or that church.  People in the NT were called Christians because they shone forth fruits of righteousness associated with Christ. He desires us to have his fruits of righteousness, as in the holy spirit actually bearing those fruit in us, so that we can have fruit unto God and unto perfection.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Judging a Unrighteous Judgment

You may have seen some street preaching men with signs that say;

REPENT, Fornicators, Homosexuals, Liars, Thieves, Masturbators, Obama Voters, Buddhist, Dirty Dancers, Hindus, Gangster Rappers, Muslims, Drunkards, Feminists, Immodest Women, Democrats, Liberals, Evolutionists, Atheist, Potheads, Sodomites,
I think they about covered everyone! Needless to say, it is evident our public ministries are not bringing in the public! Now, in regards to the above sign, Hell only awaits those who have rejected Jesus Christ and his blood atonement!  
People read these few “lists” in the Bible of groups of people that aren’t allowed in the Kingdom of Heaven without realizing that NO sin will pass over that eternal veil.  It’s why we must be born again.  That’s what this and other passages are simply saying.  Heaven is a Holy place with a Holy God.  Sin will not enter in because we will have glorified bodies, like Christ, when we reside in glory.  Dolts!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Addicted to the Ministry (Not what you think)

An addict in anything is a unusual study that reveals plain truth.  Many times, they will not change even facing their own mortal death.  Christians can have many of the same traits as a drug addict does when stuck in traditions of men. Men and women can be addicted to the ministry, but not a bible way.  They won’t leave positions, or change anything from the status quo.
I Corinthians 16:13-18~Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong.
14 Let all your things be done with charity.
15 I beseech you, brethren, (ye know the house of Stephanas, that it is the firstfruits of Achaia, and that they have addicted themselves to the ministry of the saints,)
16 That ye submit yourselves unto such, and to every one that helpeth with us, and laboureth.
17 I am glad of the coming of Stephanas and Fortunatus and Achaicus: for that which was lacking on your part they have supplied.
18 For they have refreshed my spirit and yours: therefore acknowledge ye them that are such.
We often hear this phrase, “addicted to the ministry” applied to the joys of the ministry.  And how the men in the ministry  love it.  I can’t even tell you how many times I have heard this sentiment.  Men boast of this.  This should be alarming. They have to talk about how hard it is to so that we don't see through the game!  
"They addicted themselves to the ministry!"  This has been  roared from the pulpit many times by the preachers in our churches. They rarely reference the text or companion passages, and they rarely finish the verse which states  that they “Addicted themselves to the ministry of the saints.”  

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Fade to Black ~ Part 5

Evolution is just another form of intellectually masked, pagan worship, and it exist only to deny the one, true, Creator of all, God the father.  Pagan worship has evolved over thousands of years in to a more modern sophisticated form of teaching.  Whether it is a NASA scientist or a Harvard Evolutionary professor, the religion they preach is what pays their bills.  They will never leave it, and will defend it harshly, and quite thoroughly.  

Back to our original point in all this, it is why Geocentricty is the world view of the solar system.  It perpetuates the educational conundrums of our day.  Look at the state of our nation since the inception of Higher learning. Sixty plus years without prayer or God,  now we follow other nations instead of lead.

Clarence Larkin - “For a long time it was supposed that the Sun of our solar system was  stationary, and that the planets and comets circled around it.  But now we know that it is NOT stationary, but it (the sun) is circling, with all the members of our Solar system around some central point in the universe”

“He left not himself without witness”

It is understood that the predominant view is geocentricty, however I believe in heliocentricity, because it seems to be the position the bible takes. The following verses emphatically indicate that the Sun is indeed moving as stars do, and the Earth is a footstool, immovable, and fixed in it’s location.  

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Traditions to Hold Fast

God gave the gospel that “we believe” to Paul.  Prior to Paul, it was a mystery.  The disciples didn’t get it either.  Peter certainly didn’t get it.  God had to go to a lost man, a religious man, a pharisee, a traditionalist, a zealot, and reveal himself to this religious  sign-seeking Jew, through a sign and wonder, a Jew, and convert him, by belief and faith alone in the risen messiah.
Any character you want to pick in the entire word of God, no other had such a unique  revelation or knowledge of this mystery.  It is for this risen alone, that our gospel messages, and preaching align with Paul’s sound doctrine on the matter.  If we therefore preach anything contrary to this mystery, the gospel of the grace of God, we will be found wanting, reproachable, blameable, and an offence to him, and the world. 
If you men dabble in the law, you are left wanting, you play in the prophets; If you are following the spirit of the prophets you are in open rebellion of God’s word, and the wholesome words of the Lord; If you flirt with the message of John the Baptist, you are following the spirit of error;  If you try to mesh the gospels and Paul’s distinct gospel of grace, you are carried about by another wind of doctrine; If you mistakenly assert some “repentant of all your sins” mentality into a gospel, you are preaching another gospel and are led away by the error of the wicked!

The Intended Effects of the Fruits of the Spirit

What is the purpose of passing out a tract?  What is the purpose of witnessing or testifying for Christ?  Why do preachers preach?  Why do believers tell others of their salvation?  
I hear preachers commonly say “Contend with them!” referencing sinners for salvation.  Contend with the unbelievers int he streets, they say! Contending was never a reference to any saved person dealing with the lost!   
Jude 1:3 Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. 
Ephesians 2:12 That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world:
Titus 1:4 To Titus, mine own son after the common faith: Grace, mercy, and peace, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour.
This is a striking verse.  The term, “the faith” is only found in the New Testament beginning in Acts 3. “The faith” was no longer being preached.  It was delivered to “the saints” which is a OT and NT reference.  God’s collective bodies, the saints and the body  of Christ, are all considered saints now.
Jude said the “common salvation”.  “The faith was reference many times to mean the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.  The faith IN Christ! To contend for the faith is to contend for the common salvation!  
Men were making it uncommon.  Men were apostatizing already.  Men were getting into unorthodoxy. Men were making things religious.  Preaching other gospels (Galatians 1)  Men were going back in to the Temple, men were keeping the law and the oblations.  Men were rejecting any gospel of grace.  Men were keeping to the old paths so to speak.  To do this was rejecting Jesus Christ.  To hold to the Law was to reject his payment for sins!  It was denying the Lord that bought them!